Chapter 6

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I just noticed, Clayton is older than Dominic xD

Dominic's P.O.V

Why was he nervous around me? Was it because I held him while James sat there and bashed him up? Really, he deserves it, but now that I sit here, what do I, myself, have against queers? My mother was fine with them, her old pack had a gay Alpha with a male mate. My dad, I've never asked him. "Dad!" I call his name wanting to know what he thinks about homos.

He opened my door and walked inside. "Yes son?" He asked as he came over to sit beside me on my bed. I was getting nervous, I wanted to ask him, but he said earlier he couldn't wait to meet my girl mate. Does that mean he hates gays? I'm not saying I'm gay. I just want to know if I can hangout with gays. "Dad," I started finally, "do you um, are you okay with, gays?" I said the word 'gays' so low my dad had to use his Alpha hearing to hear the word.

He was taken aback at my question "Am I okay with gays?" He re-asked the question. I nodded to tell him that's what I asked. He was silent for a while then he opened his mouth "Well, I have nothing against them. So yea. I'm fine with gays. Why?" He looked over at me when he asked why.

"There is this gay guy at school. I was just making sure I can still hangout with him." I didn't tell him it was Clayton, or that I helped my friend beat him up.

My dad nodded and stood up "You can do whatever you want, with whoever you want." Then he left.

Did he say that last sentence to tell me he was fine if I did turn to like guys? Yet, I can't be, I've known since I was four I liked females. I've known since I was 12 I really liked females. I've known since I was 16 I've enjoyed females. I am not gay. I may be fine with them now, and won't let James beat up Clayton, but I know 100% my mate is a female. I can just feel it in my sick wolf.

I sighed and laid my head down and pulled the cover onto me and closed my eyes. Finally, I feel into a deep sleep.

----le morning----

I woke up and froze, my joints hurt so much I can't even move a finger. The pain finally went away and I sighed and moved over onto my side then sat up. I could feel my wolf getting stronger. Tomorrow is my birthday, I couldn't wait. I'll get to find out my mate is a female. I stood up and got a change of clothes and took a nice warm shower.

Once I got finished I dried off and put on some boxers, faded jeans, and a red shirt. I brushed my teeth then fixed my hair. I left my bathroom and went downstairs. I saw my dad fixing pancakes so I sat at the island "Morning son. How are you feeling?" My dad asked me, I nodded "Very well." I replied as he handed me a plate of pancakes and I ate them. They were very good, my dad can cook. I put my plate in the sink "No school, so I guess I gotta sit here and be bored." My dad laughed at my words and I rolled my eyes and went into the living room to watch some T.V.

How was that my babies? Thank you so much for the views and that one reader who is voting <3 I love you y'all!




Eat pancakes

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