Ch. 01: Some deep SH*T-Look Away

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It was a summer day, warm and bright in England; May is a really nice month for England, where the temperature rises up to the 90s. Not much rain in May there as well. Baby America and Canada were snug together in bed, sleeping peacefully. When Canada woke with a fright, was because he heard a loud crash and thud from downstairs. He was terrified, but America was still sleeping, Canada sighed and said to himself:

"Such a heavy sleeper he is..." then he got off the bed, with trouble, since America was holding too tight on him in his sleep.

Canada then began to sneak downstairs, and he saw his mom and dad fighting as usual, but it looked much more dangerous, and way worse than usual. They usually just argue; the Canadian thought. He covered his eyes, scared, when his mom physically hurts his dad. Soon his mom was pushed by his dad to a shelf, that made more glass crash on the floor. 

"Angleterre! Jou know I don't vant to 'urt jou! But jou alvays leave me non choices!" Canada's dad yelled to his mom. 

"You...bloody...wanker!" yells Canada's mom back, but sounded weak, a cough came out of him then. Canada then was worried, he then began to cry. His parents heard, and ran to him.

"Pa-Papa? Mama... why do you fight this much?" little Canada asked, as he was wiping his own tears, trying to stop crying. His papa then held him close:

"Shh mon fils..." said his papa, petting little Canada's hair.

"Papa France, why?" asked little Canada, still speaking of them fighting.

"Mama and Papa are just stressed mon fils, don't vorry about it, and dry jour pretty little eyes for Papa; please, mon sweet petite fils? And put a smile on zat face." said France, Canada's Papa. 

Canada nodded, and tried to do so, "Now show me zat smile, Matthieu, show me zat smile!" France said, tickling little Canada now. Canada giggled, and then looked at France, with a big smile.

France then gave Canada a little fatherly kiss on his forehead, and he picked him up. "Now mon sweet petite fils, back to bed." said he, as he carried little Canada back to his bed, and he placed him next to his brother, tucking him in.

"Now, don't vorry about mama and I. Vee vill be fine. Just rest jour pretty little head, alright?" he kissed Canada's forehead once more. "Bonne nuit mon fils." he added. 

"Alright... bonne nuit, papa..." Canada replied. France smiled at Canada, then he exited the bedroom. Canada then turned to his side, and he sniffled:


Little Canada muttered, then he soon fell asleep with some trouble given to him.

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