Ch. 03 - Your Pain is Painful, and it's Tearing me Down...

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It was morning, still a nice day, and baby America was the first to wake up out of the babies of two. So he went to search for England.

"Engwand! Where is you, Engwand?" called little America. He got to England's room, and knocked on the door. "Engwand!" he called again.

England woke at hearing baby America. He opened his eyes, and muttered:

"America?" tiredly.

"Engwand!" called little America again.

England sat up with trouble, because France was cuddling him. Then England went to the door, and opened it. 

"Hello America. Do you need something?" asked England.

"I hungey... Engwand... isFwance dare?" asked little America.

"You came to me when you wanted France to make you something to eat?" England said, and then he sighed.

"Yes." said little America, with a cute pout on his face, "I thought he was here. I heard him last night wanting you to let him in." he added.

"I see..." England said, then he looked over to his bed where France was, and yelled, "France, wake up you frog!"

France then woke, with a fright though:

"Eh? Vat is it, Angleterre?" said he, after a moment, tiredly. 

"America is hungry, and wants something you make." England answered.

"Figures... tell 'im I'll get up in a moment..." said France, still tiredly, as he turned on his side.

England did tell little America exactly that, but added, "Lazy frog" in the sentence. Little America giggled, and said, "Awright!" and he skipped away.

England then laughed a bit, quietly, at how cute little America was, and he then shut the door when America left. 

France then said tiredly:

"Come back over 'ere Angleterre."

England then nodded, and did so, France then grabbed him, and pulled him on the bed, and cuddled him again. England was letting him, but he was embarrassed by it, and didn't really like too much attention, so he just pushed him off after a bit.


France then soon woke up, and went to make breakfast for everyone; he then noticed England was sleeping, and he smiled and kissed his forehead. Then he left to the kitchen of the house.

Little America squealed with joy when he saw France going to make the breakfast. Little Canada had woken up, and said to America:

"America! Don't be so loud! Mama is still asleep!" 

Little America pouted:

"Okay, Canadia!"  said he.

When France was at the stove, making breakfast, he noticed a child, through the window; a little girl with brown hair in two ponytails. He then looked back at his cooking. 

After about ten minutes, France served the breakfast.  Then he went out to the child:

"Bonjour young lady. Vat are jou doing on jour own?" asks he, nicely to the child. The little girl looked at him, with a look of confusion on her face, blinking slowly, in confusion. France then nodded to himself, finding out the girl is an embodiment, like him, and he needs to do something for her to understand him. So he pulls out a paper, and a pen, and wrote what he said in French on the paper. 

The little girl happily took it, and read it aloud. France keeps on writing sentences in his language, and giving the paper to the little girl. Soon the girl was able to speak French, she then said:

"Je m'appelle, Sychelles." 

France smiled, and replied with:

"Je m'appelle, France."

They spoke a bit longer, and soon France brought her in the house.


"Who is that, papa?" Canada asked, when he saw Seychelles.

Seychelles looked at France, confusedly, not knowing what Canada said. He then said to Canada: 

"I only taught her French vor now." 

Canada nodded, and said to Seychelles:

"Excusez moi, mademoiselle. Je m'appelle, Canada. Comment t'appelles-tu? (Excuse me, miss. I am, Canada. What is your name?)" 

America was confused. Seychelles smiled, and said:

"Je m'appelle Seychelles! Enchanté! (I am Seychelles! Nice to meet you!)" 

Canada smiled too, and replied with:

"Je suis ravi également de faire votre connaissance! (I am also delighted to meet you!)"

France smiled, America was still confused. France and Canada looked at him, then they both laughed:

"What's so funny?!" America said, and he pouted cutely. "Stop laugh at me!" he added.

"Vat has been spoken is French, Amerique." said France.

"Fwench? How do speak it?" said little America, still pouting.

"Oh-hon, little Amerique~! Jou'll find out later." said France.

America kept his pout, and said:


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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