Ch. 02 - Mama Please stop crying, I Can't Stand the Sound...

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When baby Canada fell back to sleep, France had left the bedroom, and came out to see England there, who had tears in his eyes, worried for little Canada:

"Oh Angleterre, jou're crying, mon ami?" asked France.

England was silent, he wiped his eyes quickly:

"I am not, you damn frog!" he said, but France knew it was a lie, he then pulled England in for a comforting hug:

"I'm sorry Angleterre..." he said.

England closed his eyes partially, one can mostly see his tears more than the pretty emerald eyes he has. He accepted France's hug, with him grabbing the back of his coat, as he now completely shut his eyes, the tears fell, as he hugged back:

"Zere. Zere. Angleterre, let it out mon ami~!" France said, smiling.

"You f*cking a$$hole... I hate you..." England said, silently.

"I love jou too, Angleterre~" France teased.

"..." England was silent.


France was going to let go of England, but England wouldn't let him, because tears were still falling down his cheeks. His face was hidden in France's chest, so no one could see him crying, and he wanted to keep it that way for a little longer. France thought differently, that England did care for him, but that was not the reason.

England let go of France, after his face was not tear-streaked anymore:

"Don't get the wrong idea about that hug, you bloody frog!" he yelled at France, after wiping his tears. France laughed his usual laugh:

"Oh-hon-hon~ Angleterre~!" said he. "I know jou love moi~" he added, in tease. 

"SHUT UP! I DO NOT!" yelled England again, pushing France, then he began leaving.

France, when England was walking away, he smirked playfully, and he went closer and grabbed England's booty, and squeezed it, then he ran away, laughing his usual laugh, he knew England was going to kill him; but wait... England was blushing, and now hiding behind a wall of the building, then he ran off.

France then looked confused in England's direction. Soon he ran after him, where he ran:

"Angleterre! Vere did jou go?!" called out France, he was overly confused now. 

Soon he got to England's room, he tried to turn the knob, the room was locked:

"Angleterre! Angleterre?!" he called, knocking on the door.

No answer...

"Angletere?! Are jou alright Angleterre?!?!" he called again, more panicked this time.

"WHAT IS IT YOU WANT FROG?!" England yelled, on the other side of the door.

"Mon Dieu! Zank ze lord jou're alright!" said France with a sigh of relief.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" England yelled once more, in annoyance of France not answering his question the first time he asked.

"I vas looking vor jou Angleterre. Since I played zat vay to jou, zat vould make jou run after moi, and hurt moi. But jou didn't, and I saw jou run off, but jour face vas red, not anger red, I vas vondering if jou vere alright." France replied.

"Of course I am not alright you wanker! You grabbed my bum!" England yelled.

"I vas playing vith jou! I zought jou vere going to try to kill moi, after doing so, like usual!" France replied back.

"York ( ) told me that if I try to hurt anyone, she'll kill me!" England lied after a minute.

"I know zat is a lie, Angleterre. Come out zis room, and tell me ze truth." France said, out of disbelief. 

England was blushing, he hid his face, and stayed in the room, silent. 

"Angleterre. Get out of ze room. I don't vant to have to force myself in." said France.

England kept silent.

"3..." started France, England still didn't open the door.

"...2..." France added. England bit his bottom lip. 

Before France could say '1', England opened the door, and grabbed a hold of France, and he pulled him in the room. Then England shut the door when France was in the room.

"Angleterre?" France questioned.

England was silent, he then went up to France: 

"Angleterre? Vat is it?" asked France.

"Come closer, and a bit lower." England said, quietly.

France gave a confused look, but did so, and thought England was going to whisper something, so he turned his head for his ear slightly near England, but what England did was different...

England grabbed France's face, and turned his head, until their eyes met. He then kissed France's lips.

France's eyes widened in surprise, he soon smiled in the kiss, and he kissed back. They then soon pealed away, and tiredly, laid on England's bed together.

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