Chapter 2: Death By Therapist

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~(Snap) Kill me romantically. Fill my soul with vomit then ask me for a piece of gum.~Bitter and dumb, you're my sugar plum. ~Her body is my coffin. ~Must be inside of my head, that says oh love me dead!~ How's your new boy does he know about me? You've got the mark of a beast. ;)


“You can just sit in the waiting room, Honey, Dr. Tiny be with you in a moment,” the middle-aged receptionist told me with a bright professional smile. But as she smiled at me I could see the smile was phony-- almost forced.

Did she think I was just another loon in need of some help?

I nodded my head and gave her my best impression of a smile before turning to face the dull grey colors of the large waiting room with a frown. The white leather seats of the room were situated perfectly next to even stacks of magazines, mellow paintings of rivers and sceneries, and a small container full of candy on each end table. I took a seat and popped a root beer candy into my mouth as I nervously awaited for my name to be called.


It had really come down to this.

I had called the psychologist center yesterday after a sleepless night next to a tiny-ass Teddy bear and ironically, the only doctor that could see me the day after was Dr. Brian Tiny. Pushing away the thoughts of getting a male doctor who I had never met, I knew I had to nip this anxiety I had been getting straight in the butt. End it before it took control of my life. And so, I dressed casually in the morning, put as little makeup on as possibly, put my hair up in a bun, and took a taxi to my 10:00 appointment.

The plus side?

I got to be late for work.

The negative side?

I forgot to tell David where I was.

I hurriedly took my phone out of my pocket and dialed his cell phone number. I knew by now if I had to reach him, it wasn’t his work number. He never bothered to answer that line unless it flashed red, meaning it was an emergency.

My heartbeat fluttered ever so slightly as it was on the fourth ring, the one where he always picked up. I shifted in the white leather seat ready for him to pick up, and--

 “This is David Star, please leave your number and message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can,” his deep, recorded voice greeted me.


I froze. I had to lie on recording and this is the catastrophe I ended up with--

H-hi David, I’m going to make it to work today I dropped something heavy on my foot and—uh—uh It’s hard to walk. (False) My stomach is bothering me (Couldn’t just stick with the damaged foot? And so the lies produce wings!).Call me if you need anything, ok? ( I’ll be in therapy because I’m going crazy and I don’t want to get fired please don’t call me.) Kay, bye! (Shit, I was way too perky at the end now he’ll know something’s wrong!)

I clicked the phone shut and stared at the screen with wide eyes for what seemed like hours.
There was no way he was letting that one go.

“Miss Williams?” the receptionist said, making my head shoot up. By the looks of her frown mark she had called my name out numerous times.

“Dr. Tiny is ready for your session,” she said and then returned her gaze to the monitor screen of her computer.
How does she say that sentence with a straight face? I thought, as I noticed her straight expression when she began to type. I took a deep breath, popped another large root bear candy into my mouth and pulled my large purse over my shoulder as I walked towards the door.

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