t h r e e ▲ my brother

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Okay, so the two people in the collage ^^ up there, or wherever the picture is depending on where you're reading this, is the people who I imagine Katie and Danny to look like. If you don't like the people who I imagine the characters would look like, then please don't complain about it, but rather just imagine somebody else who you prefer.

Katie's P.O.V

"Watch where you're going, new kid." He spat at me.

"I'm s-sorry." I stuttered out.

"Whatever. I can see that you have eyes, so use them." He said rudely.

"Excuse me?" Casey asked with disgust.

"New kid? Seriously?" Emma added.

"Well that is what she is, isn't she?" He asked while leaning against the wall.

"For your information, she's been a student here for four years. She's been going to school with you since ninth grade." Emma spat back.

After Emma spoke, the students in the hallway started to form a circle around us.

"Whatever. Not my fault I didn't know that. Who would even know she goes to this school? She never speaks or do anything." He retorted.

I look down at the floor knowing what he said was true.

"That's it!" Case and Emma said simultaneously with anger.

However, before they can do anything, somebody interrupted.

"Hey Ian." A voice coolly said. I immediately recognized that voice.

"Oh hey, sis." The voice who I recognized as Danny's said with a smirk.

"Sis? Seriously?" Ian asked with confusion.

Of course he didn't know I was related to Danny, the captain of the soccer team. Who would? Casey and Emma were really the only ones who knew.

"I know. Hard to imagine she's related to me, eh?" Danny playfully asked, not knowing it actually made me feel more insecure about myself.

"Definitely." Ian said while getting off the wall.

"I can see something was going to happen here before I intervened, so continue." Danny said while gesturing, fully knowing that it was going to cause a scene.

"I swear-" Case said furiously, but I cut her off not wanting to draw attention to us.

"Case, drop it. Let's just all get to class." I said quietly to Emma and Casey.

"Hey, would you look at that. Your sister can actually say a sentence without stuttering." Ian said mockingly.

Case and Emma took deep breaths, determined not to retaliate and do anything they would regret later.

We all slowly started walking around them and pushing through the people bunched up together in a circle.

When we were finally away from my brother and those jerks he calls his friends, Emma said, "Can you believe them?!" She asked with disgust.

"Exactly! Especially Danny! I mean he's your brother for god's sake! He should of at least defended you a little!" She said with furrowed brows.

"Guys it's fine. Let's just drop it and forget it and move on." I say looking down.

"Katie, c'mon. That was not okay." Case said.

"I know that, but just retaliating won't make us any better than them." I say, hoping that would make them drop the subject.

"Fine. Your right." Case agreed.

"We won't annoy and bother you anymore. We promise." Emma added.

I looked at birth of them and smiled.

"Thanks guys." I said with a big smile.

I was really lucky to have friends like them. I said in my head.

Another crappy chapter completed. This is actually the only fanfic I've ever wrote that I'm serious about. This whole fic is a flop but I like writing it so I'm going to continue it even if nobody reads it.

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