Chapter 3

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*Mini POV*

I stand up to see Nogla and some other people. I feel the glares of the royal vampire owl and the human warrior. While the elf dragon and monkey started at me in fear.

But I feel something in the monkey like I had met him or had some sort of past. So I search a little bit of his memory. Lui Calibre. No fucking way. A god damn Calibre. I feel a dark energy surround me. But I calm down and say "Hello it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" then respectfully bow to them. 

I know the human and owl vampire have judging glares. Nogla notices the tension between us and says "So how about we learn about each other."

"This is-" I cut him off by saying, "No worry Nogla I can introduce myself. I am Mini Ladd, the sorcerer."

They continue to glare as the monkey kindly asks "Nogla, are you mind controlled by him."

He looked at them like their crazy and replied "No. Sorcerers and sorceresses are some of the kindest people out there. Why do ye think that."

"Well in the kingdom they killed one of my ancestors. Their evil and violent creatures" the human said making me shake in anger, but something felt weird as I sensed something slightly burning into my right arm.

"Ye are retarded. They be nice if ye are in need or nice to them. Which is barely" Nogla says ears flat on his head, tail slowly moving back and fourth.

"Lying dog" the elf mumbles to him as I hear. And almost growl but I say "Know what forget this I'm going home. Nogla you can lead them if you want. Because I can care less if they died" then summon a portal then walk threw.

*Delirious POV*

I hear Nogla sigh as he says "He's mad " while his tail moves slower and ears are on his head.

Wildcat looks at him and says "How can you deal with a sorcerer."

Nogla sighs and says "Sorcerers are not bad. The kingdom lied about it's past. And everyone believed it. Sorcerers never meant any harm. But it has come to that."

"That complete bogus the kingdom would never lie about something this important" Vanoss says not believing Nogla one bit.

"Would you lie to get something you want" Nogla says glaring at Vanoss. With his ears and tail in a defensive position.

I look at him and say "Depends on the situation and wait it is. To see if it's worth it."

I notice a flash of sadness and guilt appear in Prince Lui's eyes but I shake it off as Nogla says "Well tomorrow we can go see the oracle. She's a powerful sorceress who can never lie. If she does another chain gets latched onto her body. But first we need to you to our home."

"Fine" Vanoss says angrily then makes his scythe disappear. Wildcat sighs as he says "I can agree to those terms."

Lui smiles and says "I can agree to that. And I want to see my history. None of my family ever told me or plans to. Since I'm the youngest."

He smiles and says "Thank ye for giving him a chance. He doesn't have many for such a long time."

"No problem" I say and feel Vanoss and Wildcat's glares as we follow Nogla.

"I can't believe we're doing this and giving a sorcerer a chance" Wildcat says crosses his arms.

"Hey, you never know what you get out of it Wildcat. So maybe we should trust them" Vanoss says trying to lighten up the mood.

"Fine but if this sorceress says it was a sorcerer I'm killing him" Wildcat says crossing his arms.

"Ye aren't gonna do that over my dead body" Nogla says getting defensive.

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