Chapter 4

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*??? POV*

I grab the letter from Luna's hand and read what it says. Until I hear my door open and 6 childish laughs, and talking. My very lovely children but, one gone. Of course the hated one Lui. Just because he's a hybrid and the only one in the family.

I continue to write my message and hear "Father, you know Lui is going to die. Right."

I look up to see my oldest son, Xavier Flynn Calibre. I sigh and say "He has to live. I sent the strongest and bravest knights with him."

"Well it depends on who he's with" he says crossing his arms. I look at him is disappointed and say "It's the royal vampire Vanoss. The Dragon Elven Delirious and the noblest of knights, Wildcat are with him. They won't let anything get pass them."

He looks in shock and says "Why would they of all people want to help Lui. He's helpless. They're powerful. Why couldn't one of them be my trainer when I was younger "

"Because that's how it is. Now go to your training mister. I don't wanna here it" I say sternly. He huffs and walks out the room.

*Wildcat POV*

I sigh as Nogla says "Vanoss and Delirious are gonna share the guest room since they seem familiar with each other. Me and Lui since we don't wants to go at each others throats. Then Mini and Wildcat together."

We all look at him like he's crazy. Then he looks at us and says "What."

Vanoss looks at him with a 'really' face while Delirious says "Are you sure that's a good idea. Two natural enemies in a room together."

Lui looks at him and says "Oh I know what your doing Nogla." We then look at the two in confusion and Lui says "Me and Nogla both agree that the two 'enemies' should get a room to know more about each other."

We look at him and I sigh the say "Yes Prince Lui I will not harm the sorcerer in any way unless in defense."

He scoffs and says "Like that's gonna happen." Then continues "Okay it's getting late we should sleep."

Mini and Nogla walks towards the curved hole in the wall with vines onto the right side of the wall. Nogla grabs a vine and climb the vines. Vanoss, Delirious and Lui follow. But I don't due to fact I may rip the vines because of my armour and weapons.

Mini notices I'm not moving and says "Pass me your weapons." I look at him and say "No. I will not."

He raises his eyebrows and says "Well how are you gonna get up the vines with such heavy armour. I'll give it back as soon as your done."

I roll my eyes and say "Fine." Then I grab the vine and climb it with ease. I turn to see Mini on a ledge by the vines. Then hear Nogla yell "THIS IS YE STOP WILDCAT. YE FOLLOW MINI THE REST OF THE WAY."

I sigh and let go of the vine them land on the edge. I turn to see Mini waiting for me. I walk towards him and he pushes my stuff into my arms. And I quickly put my swords, my small axe, then bow and arrows.

He sees that I am done and starts to walk away. But I quickly get up and run towards him almost  knocking him over. He looks at me and rolls his eyes then says "We're almost there."

"Does it take this long to get to your room" I say with a 'really' type of face.

"Actually it does and your the first person inside. Besides myself" Mini says then points to the bed and says "You can have it. I need to practice some things."

I look at him confused but he leaves as I turn to face him. I sigh and take off my helmet, to see my reflection. My light blue eyes and dirty blondish hair could make any girl fall for. But I'm a warrior that will not love. Yet.

I feel like I'm attracted to the sorcerer in some way. So I put my helmet back on and follow where he went. As I stare in shock as I see something amazing.

*Vanoss POV*

I smile as Nogla and Lui leave me and Delirious to sleep. But I see Delirious take off his chestplate and my cheeks turn pink. I shake it off then take mine off.

From the corner of my eye I see Delirious with red cheeks and he quickly turns away. I smirk and take off my armour slowly. I notice he stares as I say "I see you Del."

"W-wha-what I didn't do anything" he says turning away and continues to take his armour.

I smirk as I think 'He's so adorable and feisty as hell. Two of the many things I lik- no love about this crazy asshole.'.

I hear mumbles until I hear "VANOSS." I snap up to see Delirious snapping his fingers at me. He looks pissed.

I chuckle as I say "Sorry Del." His cheeks turns red then says "Shut up. I'm going to bed." He turns away then starts to close his door. I turn into my owl form and use my super speed to sneak into his room.

He gets in and after 15 minutes I hear him snoring so I turn to my human form and kiss his cheek. Then quickly and quietly leave the room before he senses I'm in his room.

I go to my bed and lay down wanting to fall asleep fast. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

*??? POV*

I look threw the glass to see the royal scientists doing another experiment on me. They open the glass and the guards hold onto my arms. I glare as they push me around.

'Well no more' I

I push one of them off with my metal right arm. And I kick the other with my metal leg. Then I quickly run and run. I see a wall, then use my metal eye to fire something at the wall.

It breaks the wall and I book it full speed away from them. Soon being tired I knock at a door.

It opens to see an adorable man about my age. But I can't tell anything because I'm tired. All I can mange to say is "Help."

Then I fall and see darkness.

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