Unicornsarereal89 - Summer Announcement!

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Author: Before I start this lengthy amount of questions I'd like to say that the summer announcement is the following: I will be updating daily now, for sure, no lie, all summer long! Plus I'll be doing a Summer Question Extravaganza! This is where you crazy people with a billion questions can inbox your many questions and they'll be answered! Come one come all! Now I'll start this fresh taste of the Soul Eater world once again...

To Blair: Does your hat shrink when you're in cat form? To Ragnarok: why do you always beat up Crona? To Marie: Do you like Professor Stein? To BlackStar: After you surpass God what will you be obsessed with after that? To Liz: Don't you enjoy having Patty as a little sister or is she super annoying?

Blair: Well since I do have magical powers it does involve my clothing/ accessories at times. Such as my clothes disappearing and reappearing. As well as my hat with its own abilities such as shrinking down with me. Just something that comes along with magic I guess.

Ragnarok: What do you know?! I have my own reasons for what I do! But if you must know its due to strength, confidence, and discipline. Strength, to increase Crona's own physical body to not merely damaged by small pokes. Confidence, to increase the strength of his own mind and well being. Discipline to show that he must be punished at times for disobeying orders that are given.

Marie: Oh! *blushes* I didn't expect to be asked such as question, but I'm not sure if I can answer this honestly. I do care for Stein very much, but relationship-wise, I just don't know. I'm sorry, I must go. *walks away quickly pushing glasses higher to her face*

BlackStar: That's an easy one! Once I surpass God, I'll surpass Death! Hahaha!! Its the next big thing, imagine surpassing Lord Death himself. That would make me the best there is! Then Tsubaki and I would be the strongest team in the world! Hahaha!!

Liz: Well, while Liz does get rather childish at times, she's still my sister. I wouldn't trade her for anything else in this world honestly. She gives me hope and laughter as well as guidance to be a person as a whole.

Patty: Awwee, do you really mean that big sis?

Liz: Of course kiddo, I wouldn't be here without you Patty. We're together till the end.

Patty: *goes and hugs Liz around her waist*

Author: Well there you have it, a good clean dose of Soul Eater after all this time. I will be truthful towards my Summer plans. Bring on some more questions, and if you're interested in the Summer Question Extravaganza, then just inbox me, and I'll get started shortly on them!! Till next time!

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