Gingerkit - Crona

531 16 4

Gingerkit: Crona, I'm really quiet and shy as, want to be friends? *extends hand* 

Crona: Uh... well I'm not sure. Maka is the only other person who has wanted to be friends with me. Ever. But it would be nice to have someone else to be with. I'll say yes to your question. I'll be your friend...if that's all right with you... I'm pretty sure it is since you asked...anyway, hopefully we can talk some more...or I sounding a bit pushy? I don't know if i can deal with my pushy ways. *suddenly hears door open* Well looks like someone's here. I'll try to keep in contact with...Goodbye...

Author: Well look at that, it looks like Crona has a new friend to add on his list, great job, it looks like he got through to you. Anyway thank you @Gingerkit for your question. And I hope you enjoyed it, and all you guys, I hope you're enjoying these as well. Well Goodbye! Onto the next question!

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