Melody Midnight - Second Special Request Question!

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Author: Welcome to the Second Special Request Question! Brought to you by yours truly. Another Special Request Question has been up, and I'm excited to write another! Thank you for your questions Melody Midnight! Onto the Second Special Request Question! 

Melody Midnight: Soul, Hi! Your sooo cool and inspirational, *stuffs jellybeans in Soul's mouth* YOU R MY BESTIE NOW. Kid, *blushes*....IMSYMMETRICAL AND OUT GOING CAN I PLS BE UR FRINED? oops! Did I tell you I had a crush on you? ~ tee hee. Maka, I carry around a book now and I Maka-Chop people who are bad! Black*Star,*suddenly is standing next to Black*Star wearing a bikini and waving a palm leaf* All hail, God and King Black*Star! :3 Spirit, STOP STALKING ME U PERVERT! GAGAGGGAHAHHH!!!

Soul: *struggles to swallow the jellybeans* *coughs* *You tell him your name* Oh, hey, thanks for telling me that I'm cool. I try my best to stay cool, I'm sure you know. I was really caught by surprise when you put those jellybeans in my mouth, not as good as souls, but they're a close second. I don't mind being your bestie, I like having more friends around rather than Maka. *Sees that Blair walks in* I guess they want me to see something, I'll have to get going, but until next time, ok?

Kid: Hmm...*sees that you are perfectly symmetrical* Oh course you can be my friend! Anyone who is as perfect as you can be my friend! Your hair, face, posture, legs, clothes, shoes, everything seems to be right in check. *realizes that you're blushing, and he finally hears the question that you have a crush on him* Oh...uh...*Kid blushes* Well, I'm flattered for you liking me, maybe if I get to know you a bit more, maybe then we can see what happens from there. Is that alright? 

Maka: Well that's good...I guess. At least you're reading...hopefully...At least your bringing some justice to your school, from the bad people. Just don't Maka Chop me ok? 

Black*Star: *lies down in comfort, arms behind his head, with some shades on* I can get use to this! Finally! Someone who sees me as I truly am. I'm finally getting the credit that i deserve! HAHAHA! Tsubaki! Come and join me! I like you! You're my new friend, maybe you can tag along side with us! If you want! 

Spirit: Hey hey hey, shush shhhhhh! Don't be so loud! I don't want Maka to hear you or then she'll Maka Chop me. I don't mean to be a perv or anything, I'm just attracted to such beautiful people as yourself. *eyes change to hearts* I mean who can't you're just so beautiful! Come to me! 

Maka: MAKA CHOP!!! Don't mess with our new friend Papa! 

Spirit: *lying on floor, blood flowing from his head* Totally worth it! 

Author: Well there you guys have it, with our second installment of the Special Request Questions! Hope you guys enjoyed it! And thank you @Melody Midnight for the questions! They were great! Well goodbye! Onto the next question!  

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