2~ When Darkness Falls

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The bar is empty, save for Matt working and Damon and I sitting. We've been here for hours, waiting for Elena or Kayla to show up. By now, I was starving, and my anxiety only seemed to increase.

"Will you stop checking your stupid phone?" Damon asked as I checked my phone for what was the millionth time.

"Sorry I'm worried about Chase." I grumbled. I looked at my phone once again, hoping to see a text from Rebekah or Chase, buy there was nothing.

Silence engulfed us, making everything seems tense. I was already troubled, and I did enjoy the silence, but it made me much more uneasy. It was way too quiet in here.

After another half hour of silence and agony, I stood from my perch. I stretched my muscles and looked to Damon. "I'm going out for a bite, care to join me?"

"Sure." He shrugged. He finished off his fifth bottle of bourbon and followed me out. The smell of rushing blood made my gums ache.

"You smell that?" I sniffed. I sped to the source of the smell and was met with a male slightly on the bigger side, about my human age. Without thinking, I tore into his neck.

Sweet blood filled my mouth. I savored the flavor, until it turned to fire in my mouth.

I couldn't spit the blood up, for whatever reason. I couldn't swallow it, either. It was like it was stuck in my mouth.

I knew this wasn't vervain, as I'd tasted it before. This was different, worse, maybe. It had to be some sort of magic.

"Libby!" Damon yelled. I turned to look at the person I fed from and was overly horrified. Not only was he deader than a doornail, he had the face of my hybrid best friend.

Damon sped to me and whisked me off my feet. Moments later, I was in the Salvatore boarding house. My mouth was still burning and I was starting to panic.

"Stefan, snatch up Bonnie and hurry back!" Damon yelled. His voice started to get weak to my ears. I knew I was going to pass out, I could feel it.

"Da...Mon..." I whispered before letting darkness rule my vision.


I couldn't see it coming fast enough. I could see the man, how he resembled Jesse. I could see the pain on her face as she realized his blood was different. I even saw the dark eyes off in the trees, the pink lips chanting a spell. But I couldn't see any of it fast enough.

As I waited beside her, for Stefan and the witch, I felt an overly powerful presence. I turned, seeing Elena. She donned the blackest dress I'd ever seen. It was definitely sexy.

"Elena." I choked. I couldn't bring myself to despise her, like I should st the moment for my own safety. I loved her far too much.

"Damon.." Her soft voice spoke my name, and I immediately sped to her. I swept her in my arms and kissed her as passionately and as hungrily as I could muster.

She kissed back, snaking her hands into my hair. She tugged teasingly once, twice, then-


She ripped at my hair, making me groan. I reached for her arm and twisted it until she let go and I was able to speed away.

"Elena, it's me... You love me, remember?" I whispered. She couldn't not remember me. I'm tall, dark, and handsome.

A groan was heard from Libby, and Elena's soulless eyes flickered to her. She raised her hand to cast a spell, I assumed, that would no doubt kill the girl.

I promised the Mikaelsons's she would be safe, that I'd do anything and everything to save her.

That even meant dying for her.

I launched myself at Elena and threw her to the ground. My fangs protruded from my gums and I couldn't seem to stop myself from biting into her neck.

Pain instantly filled my body, drowning out my senses and thoughts. My veins were filled with fire and it was as if every atom of my body was exploding.

The pain stopped almost as soon as it had come. I looked up to see Libby, pinning Elena to the wall above my fallen form.

"Elena... You were my best friend, my sister, and I'm so sorry I killed you... There isn't a day I don't spend regretting it. El, you have to remember that you were the one that helped me turn my humanity back on. Please.... Elena... Remember me."

The tears that formed in the blue haired Vampire's eyes were enough to shatter even the most evil of hearts.

But not Elena's. She raised her hand and sent Libby flying up into the ceiling and out of the house. With eyes as dark as an abyss, Elena magically disappeared.

I rose from the ground and sped outside. I found the Mikaelson girl on the ground, a tree branch impaled through her chest. She wasn't dead, it just missed her heart.

"Elena..." I sighed as I looked off to where she might have gone. "Why are you doing this?"

I removed the branch from the girl and lifted her in my arms. I brought her back inside the house and laid her on the bed. I watched her recover from the day's attacks, knowing fully well she'd be out for blood soon. I was even feeling a little blood thirsty myself.

I closed my eyes for a moment, waiting for my apparently super slow brother and Bonnie. Maybe she'd have something useful for us.

A/N: Hey guys! I was just curious if you would ve interested in reading a prequel to the entire series, in which Libby is in her hometown. It won't be as boring as it sounds, I promise. There will be supernatural occurrences, and it will lead into her going to Mystic Falls and befriending the gang, before she met Elijah. Let me know if you'd be interested in that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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