Chapter Five: Hate

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      Gilbert could not understand why Mattie shoved him out the door. Also, why the hell was he so damn strong? He learned that that cute face and timid demeanor should not be underestimated. But still, it didn't make sense to Prussia. Weren't they both enjoying it? Why push him out? What was up with that face.. like he was about to cry?
    Gilbert walked the path that led to his little brother's house in deep thought. "Did I do something wrong?" "No way, I'm never wrong." He was interrupted by a loud chirp on his right ear.
    "Gilbird! You have come back to me you little wuss," he teased as he stroked his soft feathers.
     "Hey Gilbird, you think Mattie hates me?" The bird chirped.
      "You're right, I am too awesome to be hated, I even gave him back his vicious polar bear! No one can top me," Prussia declared. He glanced around and leaned towards his bird.
      "You know what, Gilbird? I think I might love Mattie, but he sure is making it damn hard for me," He muttered.
    It was turning to night as Prussia saw the house up ahead and rushed inside while slamming the door.
   "Ich bin zuhause!" He announced loudly.
   "Bruder, I swear to gott I will choke you and kick you out," Germany sighed from the couch.
     Prussia snickered, he knew his brother wouldn't do that but the thought of living with Austria and Hungary made him shiver. He headed to the kitchen for some food and stopped when he spotted Italy completely immersed in cooking something on the stove. He wasn't surprised in the least, Italy came by so often it was almost like he lived here. Italy looked up from his dish.
   "Ve~ Welcome back, Prussia! Do you want some pasta? Oh, but I'm making it right now and maybe when it's done you won't be hungry anymore.." He trailed off.
    "It's okay Italy, I know you want to eat with just you und my little bruder while consuming most of the food," Prussia baited.  Italy gasped.
    "How did you know? You must be psychic or something!"
     Prussia almost bursted out laughing. He likes Italy and he's a good person, but he's completely oblivious most of the time. Prussia could practically bet his life that his brother is blushing furiously from the couch. "Poor West, they'll never get together at this rate even though it's so obvious they like each other."
    "Who knows? I could be," Prussia grinned. He loved messing with people.
     "Wow! Really? Then-"
      "Feli, my bruder is lying, don't fall into his trap und catch his stupidity," Germany called out unamused.
      "Ve~ you were lying? So mean," Italy halfheartedly said and broke into a smile. It was totally obvious to Prussia that he was happy that West called him by his name. Prussia groaned inwardly, all this sappy and them not together shit was making him want to puke.
      Italy happily went back to tend to his pasta and Prussia went to raid the fridge of all the edible things he could find and scurried to his room to give them some privacy.
    Prussia sat on his bed and thought back about what happened with Mattie today. He was entirely confused on why he was pushed out. The bed creaked as he fell back into it and his bird headed to a nearby perch to rest. Reasons swarmed into his head as to why Mattie acted weird. After a few hours of thinking, which Prussia admits himself is quite rare, he always fell back to this one conclusion: "Maybe he does hate me afterall..."
     He sighed and pulled the covers over him, not bothering to change or get ready for bed. He'll try again tomorrow.

                     Author s notes:
lololol just found out Canada is taller than Prussia. SO. let us pretend this is an au where Canada is shorter yes? Or he hunches a lot :')))))))))
Also, everyone lives near each other, da? ^J^
Also realized what is even the point of this crappy chappy
I have no motivation anymore T-T

Ich bin zuhause!= I'm home!

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