Vampire Knight

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The Sakamaki limo stopped at its usual spot in front of the school.  As usual, crowds of fangirls awaited their entrance with their love-struck eyes and 'kyaaa's.  One by one the siblings stepped out from the car.

"Kyaaa!  Laito-sama!"

"Good evening ladies".  Laito sent them a flirtatious wink, making half the girls faint on the spot.

"Tch."  Subaru walked ahead, not noticing the stream of shy girls stalking him.

"How troublesome."  Shu teleported from the car, his fans never greeted him at the gates as they knew of his lazy antics.

Kanato walked off with Ayato.  Lastly, Reiji stepped out of the car carrying Mari on his hip.  All the girls blushed at the sight of the two with matching outfits.

"Be polite mari-chan."  Reiji looked at his sister.  "And greet them."

"G-good evening everyone."  Mari slightly stuttered looking at their feet in a cute and shy way.

"KYAAAH!"  Once again the fangirls had hearts for eyes.

"Reiji-san!"  A fellow classmate yelled out to him.  "The principal would like to talk to you!"

Reiji gave out a sigh.  "Alright."

He made his way to the principal's office with Mari.  Once arriving in front of the detailed wooden door he knocked three times before walking in.

"Sir you wanted to see me?"

"Ah Reiji!"  The principal turned around on his office chair.  "I have wonderful news!"

"What is it?"

"You have been invited to attend Cross Academy's Night Class!"

Silence.  Nothing happened in the next few seconds as the air was so thick it could have been cut with a knife.

"What?"  Reiji nearly choked on his word.  This was sudden news to him, a random bombshell.  It wasn't like he applied for Cross Academy nor did he order them to attend that high school.

The principal stuttered, noticing the sudden drop of temperature in the room.  "W-well you see, a letter written from the academy's headmaster came in stating of you and your sibling's immediate transfer to their classes."

"What?!"  This time Reiji said it in a calm burning rage.  Mari hid her head in his chest, scared of her brother.  Reiji, upon noticing this, calmed down and spoke in a timid voice.  "We will not be transferring to that place.  Besides our father would not approve."

"I'm afraid the idea of it all started with your father."

At that Reiji looked even more pissed.  "Of course."  He mumbled to himself.  "Well thank you for your notice headmaster but my sister and I must be getting to our classes now."

"Actually you'll be leaving now as it will take a day for you to travel there in time for tomorrow's classes."

Even more tick marks appeared on Reiji's forehead.  First they tell us to transfer, then basically kick us out and don't give us time to prepare.  Such disgusting manners.

"Alright thank you sir."  At that Reiji left the room with a loud slam of the door and made his way back outside to the limo where the brothers were already waiting.

"Oi!  Reiji why'd the teachers tell us to go back to the limo?"

"It seems were being forcefully transferred to a different school."  Reiji said with a sigh as he climbs into the limo still holding onto mari.

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