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I wasn't too sure, but this is the real chapter.  When I went back to review it, this chapter was only a couple paragraphs long, so here it is.

"Close...your eyes."

If it wasn't for the vampires' heightened senses, they would have missed what the timid vampire had said. Mari closed her mismatched eyes and took a deep breath. Azusa then began to instruct her.

"Look through the darkness...look for a colour...any colour." Azusa said slowly, almost like a therapists talking someone through a past trauma.

The two were currently sitting an arm's length away from each other in the middle of the clearing behind the moon dorms. Meanwhile, a group of vampires watched from the sidelines, lounging on outdoor furniture placed around the stone patio. There were candles scattered around to help illuminate the area, along with the full moon.

The night class students were silently wondering about this strange situation they've found themselves in. Kaname was playing a game of chess against Reiji while Ruki spectated while reading a book, Seiren was eating cake with Takuma, Kou, Subaru, Kanato and Rima while Senri and Shu napped on either side of her lap, and finally Aido, Akatsuki, Ruka, Maria, Ayato, Laito and Yuma were playing 'truth or dare'.

Takuma turned towards Kaname with uncertainty. "Kaname...Why are we looking over Mari's lesson again?"

Kaname placed a pawn down before answering. "It seems the teachers have become sick; night classes won't be resuming for a while. So why not? We have the free time."

Takuma exhaled with a sweat drop. It was quite obvious that Kaname had something to do with them being 'sick'. Vampires didn't even get sick.

Meanwhile, at the loud side of the patio...

"Ah~ It's your turn giant-kun!" Laito said playfully.

A look of irritation flashed on Yuma's face as he looked at the bottle pointing to him.

"What's it gonna be then Mr Angry-face?" Maria chirped in, joining Laito in trying to annoy the tall vampire.

"Truth? Or dare?" The two said simultaneously while clapping their hands together and smiling obnoxiously while glitters flowered around them like they were in some cheesy game show (a/n: I imagined them doing this like how Hikaru and Kaoru do it xD).

Yuma was having a hard time controlling his temper, he knew they were trying to annoy him on purpose. Through gritted teeth he answered, "Truth."

Since Laito went before, he would give Yuma his truth or his dare. Sadly, he was looking forward for the other to choose dare. Not only that, but Maria was looking forward to a dare as well since everyone had been picking 'truth'. It seemed that she had to change that.

Maria gave an exasperated sigh. "I guess no one's brave enough for a dare." She gave another unnecessarily loud sigh.

An irk mark appeared on Yuma's forehead. "Are you implying something brat?"

Maria stared him in the face. "Yep, you're a coward."

"Why you..." Yuma seethed, he picked truth as there was no point in trying in this game. "Fine! I pick dare."

Maria gave a smirk, before eyeing Laito. "You heard him. What's his dare?"

Laito had to give credits to this girl, it seemed she knew how to have fun. "Well... I dare you to... touch melon-chan's boobs!" Laito yelled out excitedly, as if it was a grand prize of some sort.

"Ok." Yuma gave a shrug as Ruka stood up from her seat.

"WHAT?!" Ruka glared at Yuma. "There is no way! Pervert!"

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