Midnight Moon

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Mari was in the middle of nowhere.  She looked around and couldn't understand which way was up and which way was down.  The blue sky seamlessly blended with the water surrounding her, reflecting the clouds that drifted along.  Mari glanced down to find that she was wearing other clothing.  It was a simple white dress that flowed easily, although there was no breeze of any kind.

"Where am I?"  Mari mumbled out, glancing up again to look ahead.

"You're in a dream."

Swiftly turning around, Mari sees a girl in front of her.  She seemed to be around 16 years of age with two long black ponytails flowing down her sides.  Her one visible eye was a vibrant red, the other hidden by a fringe of black hair.

"Who are you?"  Mari asked curious of who this girl was.  She didn't feel scared of her, in fact it felt like she's know her for a long time.

"Would you believe me if I told you?"

Her voice.  It was beautiful.  It flowed elegantly through the air and seemed to hold an ethereal tone.  Mari nodded in response, her lips slightly parted as she looked at the other girl with curiosity.  The other giggled softly and it sounded like a soft chime of bells that brightened her very being.  She bounced towards Mari in an effortless way, her dress slowly floating around her.  Mari noticed that she was wearing the same dress as her.

The other girl bent down to the little girl's height, crouching in front of her before speaking in a soft voice.

"My name is Sephora."  She smiled warmly.  "And I am the goddess of time."

"Really?"  Mari stared at her in awe, admiration clear in her eyes.

Sephora nodded in response, charmed by Mari's reaction.

"This is the first time I met you but why does it feel like I've known you for a long time?"  Mari asked.

The black haired girl opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by faint voices.  Sephora stood up and looked off into the distance.  Mari turned around but could not see exactly what she was looking at.

"I'm afraid you have to go back now Mari-chan."

Mari faced Sephora once again.  "How do you know my name?"

Sephora smiled warmly once more.  Mari noticed that her vision was fading slowly into white but before she could succumb to unconsciousness, she heard the other's response.

"I will tell you more in time."


Mari could hear a door clicking shut and decided to open her eyelids.  She was greeted by the sight of her dorm room's bland white ceiling.  She slowly sat up noticing there was a weight on her blanket.  She looked to the side to find a mahogany haired male lying his head on her bed.

"Senri-kun?"  Mari questioned.

Senri focused his sight on the little girl, his face still blank of emotion.

"Morning."  Senri said in a blank tone.  "I'm hungry."

"Oh!"  Mari shuffled around a bit before bringing her wrist near his face.  "You can have some if you want."

Senri looked at the wrist before sitting up and taking it in his hands.  Mari flinched when his sharp fangs pierced her skin, listening to him as he drank her blood.  He lifted his head before licking the wound to let it heal.  Mari eyed the older vampire as he crawled to her before enveloping the girl in a hug.

The Time Goddess (A Diabolik Lovers x Vampire Knight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now