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Mikasa opened the door to her apartment.
"Annie, are you home?" She sounded her voice into the dim apartment with a sight quiver. I am such a fuck up. She walked into her room and gave it a quick scan, in case her roommate was in here. She opened the bathroom door to see if she was in there, but again, she was nowhere to be seen. She knocked on Annie's door and waited, but no answer.
"Annie? Are you in there?" She was contemplating opening the door and going inside, but if she was in there, she would get even more upset with her.
"I'm coming in," she murmured loud enough for the sound to reach through the door, voice trembling. She quietly opened the door, and Annie was not inside. Everything was extremely tidy, and there was a big black duffel bag sitting on her perfectly made bed. She cautiously walked over to it, and peered inside, her heart pounding and mind racing. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be here. She saw a small envelope and pulled out what was inside.
Mission: kill Reiner Braun.
Mikasa gasped and shoved the things back inside and into the duffel bag and ran out and slammed her door. If this is some sort of prank it isn't funny!
She ran over to her phone, heart pounding, terror running hot through her veins. She felt her hands wrap around her phone and call Reiner as fast as she could.

Annie adjusted the wig on her head and walked into the business establishment that her old friend Reiner apparently went to every Tuesday and Thursday.
"Ew," she murmured, thinking about what he was about to do to her. She went to the manager and asked for a job, and the old lady perked up and accepted her immediately. Apparently she was so desperate for new workers background checks don't even matter. The woman showed her to a private space and she got settled in. She sat there for hours, a few men coming in and fucking her mindlessly. She hated it. She remembered things from her past... things she didn't want to remember. She thought of when she was thirteen and what Lee had made her do, she had though about her father and what he had made her do, and she thought about all of the awful things she was forced into as a child and even now. She thought about how much Petra would enjoy this part of the job, having sex with complete strangers and having them come and go and never see her again. She thought about why Lee had given Annie this job and what Petra would do when she found out. Probably nothing. Petra is too weak to do anything, so she kills with poison. After a while, Reiner stepped in. She grimaced slightly about what she had to do to him. Annie sat seductively and beckoned him over and but her lip.
"Hey there," she purred in a completely different voice than her own, in fear he might recognize her. He smirked and plopped down in front of her, pulling off his shirt. She admired his well toned body, with real admiration. She had always been impressed by his build. She pulled out her little bottle of poison and opened it. "Drink this," she purred in a sultry voice one again. "It'll help you have a good time." He took it from her and downed it quickly. She was in a very painful state. She quickly ripped off his pants and her own panties. I can at least show him a good time while he dies...
She rode the man until she was sure he was dead. She climbed off of him and stared at his face. He looked peaceful. She sighed and placed her self in regular clothes. Suddenly, a phone rang. She screamed and turned around to see Reiner's phone buzzing on the ground. It read:
Incoming Call from Mikasa
Oh god... she picked it up.
"A-Annie?! What did you do to Reiner?!" Annie's stomach dropped as tears began to fall.
"I don't know..."
"Annie, please come home and talk to me."
"Annie, please?"
"Annie, please... I won't be mad or hate you for anything that you did. I kissed you for a reason and I want to tell you why. Annie, please come home."
"Annie, I'm begging you... I love you."

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