Chapter 2

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I looked up and met a pair of bright emerald eyes, not the sky blue I was hoping for. The girl in front of me was about one or two years older than me. She had short blond hair and she was looking at me waiting for an apology, but all I could say was "hell no! Not again, I'm a 100% done with this shit"

I stormed out of the park and back to my house, I ignore everyone and everything. I got up to my room, lay down and looked at the ceiling. At this point I didn't know how to feel or what to think. Now I knew fate is cruel. It's a unstoppable force that would hold on to you so damn hard, it would leave you breathless. I was dumb enough to think fate would stop trying to suffocate me. As I was drowning on my thought I didn't notice my mother open the door.

"Roxas..?" She said as she stood at the entrance of my room, unsure if she should come in or not. "Are you ok?"

With a heavy sigh I said "Mom, could you come in and close the door please?" She did as I asked, then sat on my desk chair.

"I just feel very distressed right now, I don't know what to do?"

"Distressed? Oh my, things are serious now" She said with a little chuckle at the end. She knows I don't usually say things like this, only with her, and only when I'm very upset. This was her way of trying to cheer me up. "Don't worry Roxas, no matter what happen. I'll be on your side." She didn't asked what was upsetting me, I wasn't going to answer even if she did.

"On another unrelated topic, I was going through things we didn't unpack and I found this" I looked up and saw that on her hand she was holding the picture Namine gave me. The one where Sora and I are together tied with the red string. "This boy was at the airport, right?" She said with a grin "Is this someone I should know about?"

This was beyond embarrassing, I grabbed the picture from her. I was a mad shade of red "He's just a friend"

"A friend uh? He must be very important to you. I can tell by that reaction. How come you never talk about him?"

"Because that'll make me want to see him" I blurted out without thinking. My mom looked at me shocked, but with a little glint  in her eyes. Like she had just found the answer to a puzzle.  My mother got up walked out the door, making sure she close it after her and left me all confused..


It had been a week after that freaky accident. I was doing my best to stay away from people. I didn't want to accidentally touching someone and find a string attached to me. I think I was becoming a bit paranoid, because the moment I got to school, I could feel people staring at me and whispering.

Then I saw Aqua and Terra, they both looked like deers in headlights. "Hi guys, what's going on?" They looked at each other, deciding whether or not it would be a good idea to tell me.

Aqua sigh and took a newspaper out of her bag "You need to read this" She said as she handed it to me. I looked at the news, and my heart drop to the floor. There in big black letter was my engagement announcement.

"We are happy to announce that this past weekend, the heir to Fantasy Entertainment has announce his engagement to the daughter of Ansem, world famous composure and owner of Jupiter Records." All color had been drain from my face "This is absurd, disconcerting "

"He's starting to lose it"

"Of course he is, he just found out he has a fiancée" Aqua grab the newspaper from me and threw it in a trash can. I wanted to run away, I needed to scream my frustration away. I needed to do something or I was gonna lose it. It probably showed in my face because Terra asked me to take deep breaths, and I did but it wasn't working. "For now just go to class, working your brain helps you sometimes"

Terra was right, facing my family like this was not going to solve anything. I needed to be prepared if I was going to stop this madness.

I was in class trying to block everything, trying to only think of solving my math problems. Suddenly all my classmates started making a ruckus, it was annoying, but I kept trying to concentrate.

" Today one of the new exchange student will be joining our class. Would you like to introduce yourself"

"Hello everyone" I knew that voice, that voice I couldn't forget. I looked up from my book, and for the second time my heart fell to the floor and I wanted to run away. "My name is Sora Fair, I'm from Destiny Islands. It's nice to meet you all"

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