Chapter 3

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The moment our eyes met, I instinctively held my breath. Every emotion I had been trying to forget for the past years just hit me like a tidal wave. All I could do was stare at Sora in disbelief "this can't be happening" I muttered to myself.

"Sora will be studying with us for a year!" I could hear and sense all the excitement coming from my classmates, Destiny Island is by no means close to us. For bored students, who had never been outside the borders of Radiant Garden, Sora was a celebrity. "I know, since today is a free day, one of you will show Sora around the school, " My teacher said with the sweetest smile she could manage.

Every single one of my classmate's volunteer, I (as the hopeful idiot that I am) tried to seem uninterested and pretend to do my work. Only, of course, fate had something else planned. "Roxas" At the mention of my name, my stomach drop to the floor. Why me? Could she not see all those other teens eagerly raising their hands? "You are perfect for this, and what a better way to begin bonding. It's important for you two to get along" I reluctantly rose from my seat and walked out of the door, I couldn't understand my teacher reasoning but I knew better than to go against her. As sweet as she may look, she could be really scary. Sora followed me outside the classroom.

I close my eyes and sighed, I was not mentally prepared for any of this."So.... What's first on the agenda" He said, and even though I could not see him, I could tell he was smiling, and this irritated me. I was mad at Sora, scratch mad, I was infuriated. He cut off all communication with me and now here he was, all smiles and happy like nothing had occurred. I simply wanted nothing to do with him. I open my eyes, I was going to confront him. And yet one look at him and the fight left my body.

His soft lips stretched into a smile that reached his blue eyes. It had been a really long time since I saw such a sincere smile. His smile just seemed to grow wider when our eyes met. "Quit it, " I said as I started walking in the direction to our library.


"Smiling like an idiot"

At first, he looked hurt and confused. "Oh," he said and tried to have a serious expression, which looked very odd on his face. We walked inside the library and as I tried to explain some of the benefits the place provided. I could see, his mouth twitch now and then, and I was sure he was fighting the urge to smile.

We left the library and walked to the greenhouse located behind the library. As soon as we reached it, Sora started giggling uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, I just can't.." And that beautiful warm smile was back on his face once more. "I'm just way too happy" It was weird, how contagious his smile could be.

"What are you doing?" I question why Sora was frantically moving his hands as if he didn't know what to do with them.

"I just really want to hug you, but I don't think I'm allowed" His statement brought me back to reality. I may not be as mad as I thought I was, but Sora hurt me. I don't think I can forgive him just like that.

"Right", I said and continue my brief tour of the school. I tried to be hostile towards him. My actions cause him to have a frown on his face the whole time.


The day went on, horribly slow. It felt like an eternity when the end of the day bell rang. I promptly ran out of the classroom, to the hallway and out of the school. Unfortunately, as I was in a rush to avoid talking to Sora, I bumped into someone.

"Watch it," Seifer Almasy the school wanna be bully, truthfully he is more annoying than threatening. For an unexplain reason, he always attempts to pick a fight with me. Unfortunately for him I already have a rival. "You are not accident-proof princess"

"Princess, seriously? You can come up with something better than that." I considered that more as a compliment than an insult.


"Ooh, you are calling me by my last name, so scary!" This guy was wasting my time, and I had to go immediately, but as I tried to leave, he grabbed my shirt and threw me to the floor. I was then caught off guard that I didn't realize Seifer coming to punch me.....

That is until he was stopped by Sora, who grabbed his wrist and forced it behind his back. "I know how overbearing Roxas can get, but violence is never the answer" Sora was pissed and Seifer in pain. The brunet let go of my bully only after he steps away from me.


"You didn't have to do that!" We walked through the small avenue with well trim grass and tall trees. Passing saturated buildings, their beautiful color was not from their paint, but from the multitude of flowers growing attached to them. The walk back to my house had always been my save heaven. The beauty and peacefulness ease my mind, but not today.

"I was not going to simply stand there and watch him punch you!" Today I had to deal with Sora and the feelings that came with him.
Like feeling extremely aggravated "I could have evaded that punch easily"

"No you were distracted, you would have reacted too late"

How he could still read me this well, after all these years, was beyond me "...."

"See, I'm right"

"Why are you following me?"

"Because I don't know my way around this place and only you know the way back home"

"Back home??"

"Sora!" I heard my mother yelled, she ran to us and gave Sora a big hug. My jaw dropped to the floor, this was very unlike her. "Thank god you found Roxas, I was worried"

"Don't worry Ms. Strife, I was bound to bump into Roxas one way or another" My mother looked pleased by this statement. I could feel my intuition telling me that I was not going to like what came next. I didn't want to ask, I dared not to ask. If I don't hear it, it's not true.

"Son, I'm sure you'll be thrilled to know" please don't say it. "I volunteer our house to host Sora for the time he'll be studying here" and she said it...

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