Part 4

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Bradley entered the board room for the briefing that afternoon, sliding into a seat at the side of the table he noted one of his elder colleagues wink at him. "What?"
"You and that pretty legal secretary, word is you asked her to the Halloween Ball! I'm guessing you won't be telling your father about that one." The man said as Bradley wrinkled his nose.
"I hardly think it's any of your business who I ask to go to an evening do with me. Besides I'm an adult I don't need to have permission from my folks over who I date." He stated although he knew that his father wouldn't be overly impressed with him attending a event such as the judge's ball with a legal secretary. Still that wouldn't stop him from taking Jennifer. For one thing she was sweet and he sensed that she probably didn't get to go out often been a single mother and besides which he sensed that she would look stunning in her costume. So even if the evening was dull he'd have someone pretty to look at. "Hey leave the guy alone, if he wants to take Jennifer then let him." Randy said as he nodded at Bradley. "Just thank your lucky stars he isn't taking Mariah." He said as Bradley almost balked at the mere idea. "Please! God help us can you imagine." He said chuckling.

"Whilst I do understand you asking Miss Lopez to the event I can't help but wonder if this would impact on the possibility of her appointment on the law school internship programme. I mean it couldn't possibly be considered equal grounds to other applicants." Simon Cowell one of the older lawyers stated as he ignored the look he was getting from Randy. "I'm sorry but it can hardly be seen as a fair contest if it's obvious that one applicant is there because someone has taken a fancy to her." Simon said as Bradley bristled. "Hey that's hardly fair, Jennifer is undeniably a very pretty girl but she's smart, you should see the stuff she researches for me at times. My last case I won that because of some stuff she trawled up. Information that I didn't ask her to. She used her own initiative." Alex O'Donnell said as he sipped his coffee. "Well just remember this decision has to be fair and shouldn't be decided on whether you'll get a bit of Latina lovin' as a result." Simon said as Bradley rolled his eyes.

Keith looked through his contacts as he scrolled through the list looking to find his friend's number. Gerard had been a room-mate back in his college days though they'd chosen vastly different careers, Keith dropping out of college when he'd joined a band and realising he had some potential with music. Gerard meanwhile had continued in his chosen path of law and had graduated as one of the top students in his year. He had joined a well known legal company in New York and was getting a name for himself as one of the leading young lawyers in the city. He sensed that he would be willing to apply himself to the case in point. Harry was busy tied up in interviews so he had the chance to get in touch with his old friend. "Hello, I was hoping you could put me through to Mr Butler? I'm an old friend but also am looking for representation in an upcoming legal dispute." Keith said as he spoke with the receptionist of the legal firm. "Well if I could give you my name and number could you see he gets it?" He ventured as the receptionist explained that Mr Butler was currently in court with a client. "Okay it's Keith Urban, the contact number is 07833 271452. Or he can speak to my company which is Urban Music Ltd and the contact number for them is 08112 874321. It is very important he gets back to me and I can promise that I'm willing to match his fees and more if he can represent us." Keith said as he suspected that the legal case would not be as easy as he had made out it would be to Harry.

"Okay Miss Lopez, you'll be accompanying me to the Supreme Court tomorrow morning for Mr Sandborn's case, I need you here prompt for 8:30am. That will be okay won't it." Mr Cowell said as he grabbed his overcoat as he was about to leave the building. "Erm, yeah I'll be here. Would it not be easier for you to meet me there?" Jennifer said as she was in the middle of typing up some reports. "No, I want to go over some recent legislations which might impact the case." Simon said as Jennifer smiled slightly. "Okay sir." She had her dancing lessons to take tonight and had ideally hoped she might have an easy day in the office as opposed to going to the law courts but she couldn't argue. "Probably thinks he might get a quickie in the back of his car." Mariah said with a smirk as Jennifer bit her lip, all day she had to put up with sly digs from Mariah due to Mr Cooper's request. She had been flattered and seriously was considering his offer but she wished he hadn't asked her in public. "Mariah, maybe if you stopped been so embittered towards everyone else then people might like you." She said softly as Mariah glowered at her.

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