Part 10

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"Shit! Sorry Harry we'll have to catch up later. Nic breath hun." Keith stammered as Nicole laughed slightly. "Calm down, it's only just started." She said as she eased into an armchair as Keith bustled around hurriedly grabbing his phone. "The bags in the nursery love, I'll need that." Nicole said calmly as she rolled her eyes at her husband's panic. "Honey, I'm fine stop worrying." She said scrunching her eyes shut in slight pain.
"I'll go fetch the baby bag, you stay with Nic." Harry said as he headed up the stairs to the luxurious nursery that had been completed for the much longed for baby. He hoped the bag was easy to locate and to his relief it was beside the changing table. Grabbing it he headed back to his manager who was frantically ringing the hospital to let them know Nicole was in labour. "Thanks Ha...Harry." Nicole said stopping mid-sentence to take a breath.
"Erm Keith is it okay if I use the studio whilst your gone, I want to try out a track." Harry said as Keith had a home studio built in the impressive mansion, along with a grand piano that Nicole had implored her husband to get. She only played a little but Harry often used the instrument in demo sessions. "Yeah sure, Juliana's around to lock up once you're done." Keith said as though he hadn't wished to subscribe to the superstar lifestyle it was completely unfeasible to have such a large property without the help of some staff.

"You look amazing." Bradley said as Jennifer tied her hair in a loose braid and was wearing a floral mini skirt and blush pink sweater. "Thanks, Max baby come here." Jennifer said as she scooted down and welcomed the lively toddler into her arms, she slipped his tiny jacket off the arm of the couch and struggled to ease his wriggly arms into the coat. "Max." She said softly as he giggled adorably. "Hey little guy, what's say we go to the zoo after we eat." Bradley said as Jennifer smiled softly at him. "Bradley you don't have to do this." She ventured as Bradley winked at her. "I'm not doing anything I don't want to. I usually hate Sundays, this one I'm going to enjoy. My treat." He said as Jennifer sighed softly.
"Please don't think this is necessary."
"Jen, please I want to spend time with you. I'm not an idiot and I know you have to take things slowly with having Max but I'd like him to be involved. Sure I want to date you, take you out for dinner and things but I'm not daft I know he comes first and that's how it should be." Bradley said as Leah stood watching on adoring how perfect this man seemed. Jennifer took her jacket from the coat hook and slipped it on as Bradley carried the folded stroller to put up outside as Jennifer scooped up her son. "See you later hun." Leah said as she waved at her friend.

"You think she'll let me meet the little fella?" Ben's father asked as Ben nodded as they sat in the opulent sitting room and the maid brought through a tray of coffee and nibbles. "I can't see why not, obviously it does depend on how she takes the letter I have sent regards me meeting Max, but she was always so family-focused I can't believe that she would intentionally keep us from Max, I know I haven't warranted her allowing my involvement and she would be well within her right to decide that it would be strange for the little one. But I think in the circumstances she would be willing to let him come and meet you." Ben said trying to make it seem that this was all for his father's benefit. "If anything what you said the other week has made me reconsider how I've acted. I'm a father and that little boy he might not know who I am but I should be there for him. I have no doubt that Jennifer is doing an amazing job but she'll need a break now and then too. Not just that but okay Max might be not even 2 yet but soon she'll be looking at nursery and kindergarten places and I want to be able to offer her some financial support to give Max the best chance." Ben said as Lucy feigned interest. In her opinion this was far too slow a process. What they needed was a reason to question Jennifer's suitability as a parent.

"I'm telling you this place is amazing. I know it looks a bit shabby from the outside but I am not kidding these guys know how to make a good breakfast." Bradley said as he led Jennifer into the diner. He had taken over pushing the stroller, Max happily playing with his toy car. "Mr Cooper!" The elderly female gushed as Bradley smiled at the woman.
"Morning Marie." He said as Jennifer got the impression he was a regular in the diner as the woman smiled fondly at him. "And you've bought company today." She commented as she smiled in a friendly manner at Jennifer before cooing at the happy little toddler who was babbling to himself in the stroller. "This is Jennifer, and this little fella is Max. I promised them a decent breakfast and well I couldn't think of anywhere better." Bradley said as Marie led them to a booth and went to fetch a highchair for Max who was squirming as Jennifer lifted him from the stroller. "Someone's popular." Jennifer teased as Bradley chuckled.
"Why you jealous." Bradley teased back as Jennifer sat Max on her lap whilst she went to put a bib on him knowing her son would likely get anything he was given to eat over him. "Here we go, isn't he a cutie." Marie said bringing over a highchair, smiling at Max who waved at her. "Thank you." Jennifer said as she stood up and put Max in the seat.
"You're not much more than a baby yourself." Marie said as Jennifer sighed.
"Yeah well I had to grow up fast once this little guy arrived, I wouldn't change a thing now though." She ventured as she stroked her hand over Max's silky hair. "Looks like you're doing a fine job, now then Bradley you having the usual?" Marie asked as Bradley nodded.
"You know me too well." He said as Jennifer arched a brow at him.
"You come here often then?"
"My usual Sunday haunt, and Saturday if I'm honest. The foods good and well I kind of like the conversations, it's different to what I usually hear." He admitted as Jennifer smiled.

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