A Tiny Leap in Trust

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            "You wanted to see me, Dr. Neida?"
            "Yes, come in and have a seat, Bernadette." The woman with the short greying hair gestured to the arm chair in front of her desk. Her office was warm and inviting despite the white cinder-block walls. She made an effort to decorate it with classy elements, like a nice desk lamp that emitted a yellow light instead of employing the fluorescent rectangles on the ceiling. Bernadette enjoyed having her as a professor and mentor.
            "Is this about my project? I know it could've been so much better, but I was so tired I missed a few typos that kept my simulation from running for days, and Anthony just glanced through and found it. But it's working now, and I plan to improve it after we finish our field tests."
            "Slow down, Bernadette. Your project is lovely. That's why I actually brought you in today. Your way of thinking differs from everyone in your class, and I see you have be-friended Anthony."
            "Well, we're not that close; we only just realised we're in the same class, so we decided to acknowledge each other."
            "That's good. Bernadette, have you been watching the news?"
            "What about it? The lake is running out of fish, and some sources think it's due to climate change. Halley's Comet is reappearing in a couple years, and the NASA fan club is planning a cook-out for it all over the country."
            "About the attacks?"
            "Oh, on the CIA personnel?"
            "That's right."
            "What about it?" Bernadette shifted nervously in her seat, wondering if Dr. Neida knew about her role in sneaking behind Dr. Varuna's back.
            "There's something I'd like to share with you. I know that you've been trying to gain Dr. Varuna's trust through Anthony, and that's why I need you to listen very carefully. I work for a secret branch of the FBI that runs almost independently. This is to avoid attacks on us as well should something like the present events happen." She pulled a badge out of her top desk drawer and handed it to Bernadette. "The Operational Technological Investigation Bureau, or OTIB, is an expansion of the OTD from years past."
            "Wait, you work for the FBI? Since when? And why are you teaching here, if you have that kind of job?"
            "My job is to learn about technology. The best way to get research done in this country if you're not rich is to work in a university. You have access to some of the best labs, which are paid for by students, and all you have to do is teach a couple classes. Thus, I do just as much research as you students do."
            "Why are you telling me all this?"
            Dr. Neida chuckled as she folded her hands on the desk. "I've had the privilege of not only seeing you in many of my classes, but also being your research mentor. You have a way of thinking that rivals any student today. Because you chose me as your mentor, that made the choice even easier. You walked right into the places I needed someone to go. You befriended Anthony, who is working for Dr. Varuna, and you have the expertise and drive to stop them."
            "Stop them? Then you know what they're up to?"
            "That's right. He is a brilliant man, but his philosophy is a little off. I know it's a lot to take in at once, but are you willing to help me?"
            "Yes, I've been trying to figure out what to do, but am I really qualified for this?"
            "You're doing great, but we're both going to need some help if we're going to fight these nanobots he has. Has Anthony said anything about them to you?"
            "No, just that he's interning for Dr. Varuna."
            "All right, we'll figure it out. In the mean-time, I have detection scanner here, so we can find these suckers should we have the chance. It's still in the testing phase, but so far I've had no trouble with it. Are you familiar with this kind of contacts?"
            "Yes, half of my Intro to Future Technology focused on how they work. We had to wear a pair for a month to get our brains to stop freaking out."
            "Yes, anyways, here you go." Dr. Neida slid the metallic case across the desk. "I've condensed the OS to run in app format, and I'll email that to you. You'll probably want to start wearing them now, and see if you can get closer to Anthony. Don't do any more than that until I give you the word."
             "Got it. But, Dr. Neida?"
            "Yes, Bernadette?"
            "Thank you for trusting me with all of this."

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