Thinkings #1

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People have asked me what I want to be when I grow up and what my plan is. Why do I have to choose what I want to be. What if I choose to be a doctor and spent like 8 years in school and end up hating it. Now I spent a good portion of my life working for something I don't want and I would probably regret it. There are a million and 2 jobs that I could be and I have to choose one or two to work towards for the rest of my life?

When I grow up I want to be happy. I don't want a fancy job or a really good pay (I wouldn't be against it though). 

What if I have an okay job but I am really happy? 

Would I still be successful?

I realized that when you have a job you serve others. If I spend my whole life serving others and not enjoying it is it really my life? My dad wants me to be the next Serena Williams. My family wants me to be a doctor. I don't want to disappoint them but what if it comes at the expense of my happiness. If I work for them then I am living for them. The thing is is that they are not me and God gave me my life and I will do what I choose with it. YOLO as the kids say these days. I have 1 life and I want to spend it doing something that makes me happy. I just want to do something I love and if I know myself as well as I think I do I will probably not stick to one career. 

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