Thinkings #2

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My favorite emotion is sadness. If you are sad then you probably got hurt physically, emotionally, or mentally and you're in some kind of pain. Before I sound sadistic read me out (read since you can't hear me.................... I'm going to go sit in a corner now). The fact that we feel pain, or feel something at all reminds me the we are human. The fact that we are human means that we aren't invincible and we do have our limits. I like limits even though a previous free write might have contradicted it. I believe that humanity is beautiful if you take away some parts but there is a devil in every angel and an angel in every devil.

 (I think that's why Lucifer fell from grace. He took the devil part of him and it corrupted him. Also, if he didn't have a little devilish side inside of him then he would not have been capable of falling. Like the story of the 2 dogs good and evil, now back on track)

Another thing that makes humans cool to me is that we can die. It is not the death that is important but what we do leading up to death is. From the moment we are born we have the potential to do anything and that amazes me. That means our life is precious and has value. It is limited so you need to use it wisely. *drops mic*

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