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A rough and calloused hand griped the back of my my neck when I tried to run. It pulled me back with some much force that my small frame slammed onto the ruff ground over run with dried out and dead grass. They air left my lungs as quickly as it came in and I struggled to breathe. My heart raced as panic swept over me from the quick absence of air

I shut my eyes and focused on taking deep breaths. When my breathing returned so did the hand, it clutched the collar of my shirt and yanked me up so that I was standing. The man's face was now inches from mine, his foul breathe blew across my skin causing me to struggle.

He shook his hand and clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth as if to say it was pointless. Some where inside I knew it was too, a fifteen year old girl was no match for a grown man especially one his size. Still I did not want to be near him so I turned my face away but he brought it back with his free hand.

I flinched as he brushed the fallen brown strands of hair out of my eyes tucking it behind my ear.

"You have pretty eyes, sweetheart." He said with a disgusting grin. "Never seen purple ones before."

I didn't say anything instead I spit in his face, he shut his eyes before wiping it off. I waited for his response and then he let go of my shirt and brought his hand back. In that second I knew what he was going to do. I sucked in a sharp breath when the skin on my cheek stung with the impact of his palm.

He pushed me back and I fell once again do to his overpowering strength. He laughed and crouched down until his face was level with mine. I tried to crawl back but a black car was blocking any chance I had at distancing my self from him.

"Listen here missy. I promised my friends a fun time tonight. Okay? Now, you see that warehouse over there?" He asked pointing.

I nodded my head afraid to do anything else.

"Well it's not a warehouse. It's a club. And you are going to go in there and help me out."

"And what if I don't?" I asked rubbing my cheek.

"You get a lot worse than what I did to your cheek. Now let's go, we're late."

He ruffly hooked his hands under my arms and lifted me up to my feet. He gave me another shove and I stumbled forward hugging my waist.

"The bouncer is going to ask about you because you look young. Don't say a word. I'll handle him."

I continued to walk through the endless sea of cars with the man trailing close behind me, I had no idea why any one would want to have a club in the middle of nowhere especially one that looks like some abandoned barn or warehouse, whatever.

When the cars came in to an end I was able to catch a better look at to where I was and when I started to turn my head in all kinds of directions to absorb as much as I could had smacked the back of my head forcing it forward.

"Eyes up front sweetheart."

I shuttered at the man's words and looked straight to avoid anything else he wanted to do. My eyes caught what I guess to be the front door because there was a huge man in front of the door dressed in overalls and only overalls.

The man behind me hissed at me to stop walking so I stopped and he walked up in front of me but not totally blocking my view.

"Jamison." The bouncer spoke his voice surprisingly stern.

The man, ur, Jamison nodded back. "The rest of them in there already?"

"Yeah. Came 'bout an hour ago. Were you've been?" He answered.

"Uh, nowhere really." Jamison said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Eh, whatever, it's none of my business. Here you go." The bouncer said opening the door.

Jamison nudged me foreward so I obliged and started to walk but, when I reached the door the bouncer stuck out his arm to stop me.

"She's a bit young isn't she?" He asked his eyes locked on mine.

I put everything I could into that stare tired to make him see I did not at all want to be here. Hell, I didn't even know where I'd go even if I did manage to get free.

His expression changed from concern to shock then back to concern. I wondered what was going through his mind.

"She's not. She's eighteen." Jamison spoke.

"Alright." The bouncer said almost disappointed.

I plead with my eyes one more time but, I was given another shove through the door and Jamison followed close behind. Blaring music shot through my ears but the wasn't the only thing.

I heard....I heard people talking. But now ones lips were moving, I shut my eyes and stopped walking to try and block them out. Jamison, now frustrated, shoved me forward and told me to move.

But I couldn't, I clutched my head as the voices grew louder. I hated this, I hated hearing things it was too many people in one place. It was too much to control.

I fell to my knees still clutching my head. I heard Jamison swear as he tried to get me to stand but I wouldn't budge the voices were getting worse.

I couldn't take it not anymore. I let out a scream,a blood chilling scream and i heard things shatter. and then I heard one voice.

One voice I would never forget. Luc.


A/N: this is kinda like half edited half not but um whatever enjoy :) ha.

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