Chapter 1

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A:N: Quickly I just wanna say that I'm sorry I didn't upload, I was just really busying studying for exams and that but I'm back and ready to get on a roll again:)

Judy's POV
I was so scared for my last exam! I studied the hardest I could (well kind of), and I feel like I'm still going to fail. Of course it was my Science test to which is my worst subject of all. I got up as I normally did, said goodbye to my two dogs, and my Mom drove me to school.
I walked into my school, then into my class, took down my chair and sat down. My one friend sat one desk in front of the person next to me in the 2nd row (I was in the 3rd). Autumn gave one look at me and laughed. I looked at her with a confused face. 'Why was she laughing at me,' I thought.
"Stop looking at your crush and give me a pencil," she smiled as she joked around with me as she normally did. I opened up my pencil box and gave her the pencil she demanded, as I put it. "Thanks bestie!" she smiled as she turned around. I smiled as Autumn wasn't wrong, I was looking at my crush to get my mind off of this stupid test. Soon the announcements, national anthem, and prayer came on.

*Skip till an hour has past or just in other terms when Judy is done her test*

I finally finished my test as I flipped through the test booklet and ran through the answers to make sure they were correct. This test was so damn hard, I probably got like a 60% or even lower. My eyes searched the room looking for anyone that took as long as I did. See the test is 90 minutes so I finished just in the nick of time. I noticed that my other friend was checking through her answers as well, so I was safe. 'Time to do nothing for the next 30 minutes!' I thought.


The bell finally rang as all the students grabbed their things and walked out the door. My friends and I walked out all together talking about the test. We basically felt the same way, THE TEST WAS TOO HARD!!!! Autumn and I walked to the office together to call our parents to tell them we were done and were coming home. Normally after school Autumn and I walked home together, since our houses are so close together. Once we both were done, we left the building all together, ready to get our test results.

*At Home*

I ran upstairs yelling hello to my Mom and petting my dogs as I got up to my laptop. I logged onto my school website where all the students grades are posted. I saw that there was a notification and I clicked on it to look at my result. My mouth just opened wide with shock.

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