Following the leader

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I stared at him blankly. "Come with me!" He ordered, his strangely deep voice didn't sound quite right but it did always annoyed me. I collected all of Jokers cards and put them back in his cell. Then i stood and followed. I stayed close to him as we went down corridor after corridor then stairs after stairs up, down, up but of course that was terribly boring so i made it fun for myself. I used my wheels on my feet to go down corridors and when i got to stairs i just sat on the banisters and slid down. But after about twenty minutes he stopped in front of a massive iron door. He knocked on the door and i could hear the nosies of the locks clicking together and unlocking. It swung open and Bats shoved me in. Then i was hit. My eyes. Closed and then struggled to open again i saw glimpses of people. Dark silhouettes moving around me then everything darkened and i was out for the count.

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