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"so you are telling us that victor escaped, dressed like batman to lure us down here and then tried to kill us and himself?" Dr isley asked. "Yes" i answered blankly. We sat for hours trying every thing to open the doors but it stood its ground. We sat and Sat, victor just out cold in the corner. "There! You hear that?" Selena asked (cat woman told me there real name earlier). "There is someone out there, the door now!" She practically screamed. We all ran to the door and started slamming our fist agains the door, screaming the same things like "Open the door!" Or "We've been locked in! Help us get out!" The next thing i knew the door was burst open and Batman, the real one came storming in. "How did you escape!? What are you doing here!? What happened!?" Too many questions but before i knew it we were cuffed and pulled away. Solitary. They called it, accusing us of working together to escape but they thought we locked our selfs in by accident. I was in a smaller cell but it was made out of concrete and i was alone. Completely alone.

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