Day2 Tuesday

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Today is taco Tuesday everyone, but since tacos are carnivorous and the leading cause of cancer, we suggest you don't eat one. The H.A.A.O had a statement on this earlier.
"Eating a taco is highly dangerous and for you to be so stupid as to die from eating a taco? Shame. Shame."

That was all then some weird hissing and someone burned I think...

Now to movie reviews,
The Notebook, are small town has been waiting forever.
The notebook has been rated 2 stars only because it was a pretty clear sky and not a lot of stars decided to fall near the theater. Yes that's right folks, if your new, this is how we rate things. Wait for the mysterious force above us to drop stars and the place with the most stars near us wins.
It's a great system and easy too.
Given that 40-60 stars fall per day or maybe satellites...
I have to ask one of my follow weather friends in here  a question
It's not related to whether satellites are real or not
At all.


A word from our sponsors,
Have you ever drowned before?
Are you really alive?
You walk into your home.
Yes, YOU, we know where you live, silly.
You walk into your home
Put the frozen body parts in the counter and think
Why have I frozen all these body parts?
Then you realize.
You don't know.
How don't you know?
Have you drowned?
The Country'sBest Yogurt
More on movie reviews
Satellites are possibly our stars, and if so what do they want?
Do they want to kill us?
Do they want to observe us?
Do they want to torturously get information?
Do they have information?
How dangerous is this information?
How dangerous isn't this information?


Dear listeners, movie reviews has been cancelled today due to worry. When worry is resolved we shall then try to resume movie reviews. For now go to Bick's Bucks Theater, and see whatever. Now I know, you have no idea what any of the movies are about because I gave no review. But randomly point with a finger and follow that finger diligently to wherever it may lead you.

A new restaurant opened up.
It is called the hemlock.

No further statement needed.


H.A.A.O has opened up a playground.
They tell children.
"This is a safe environment for you to play without rabid dogs, ghosts, zombies, and headless chicken who are very evil."
She then continued with a list of rules for the children.
"Do not go on the swings,
If you see a man who has purple skin pretend you didn't,
Do not climb up the slide, it's rude,
Do not go down the slide, it's suicide,
Do not touch the monkey bars for more than a minute,
Do not look at the sand directly and if it makes buzzing noises, evacuate, evacuate ASAP as possible.
Disobeying any of these rules may result in minor injury to Death.
Enjoy the playground, it is made for you safety."  

Well I don't know about you but this playground sounds great.
I will be sure to take my imaginary kid there.

Well let's end on a happy note and not think about the worry,
All the worry.
Goodbye listeners
Sleep without death tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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