Chapter One

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A month has passed and I am still trapped in this hellhole with him. When I saw him standing there in that patio door with that stupid fucking grin on his face, I lost it!


"It's me!"

Standing right there with a smile on his face was the devil himself Jionni.

I couldn't move as I just sat there looking at him complete shock on my face.

What the hell is he doing here?

He grinned as he walked over to his mother who had the biggest smile on her face. She held her arms out and Jionni particularly ran to her. He wrapped his arms around her mumbling something into her shoulder.

Benny walked over with JR in his arms as he grabbed his son and hugged him. I wanted to scream but I felt paralyzed.

Why were they hugging him? I thought they hated him? Didn't Benny try to kill him?

I just stood there confused watching the scene in front of me. They looked so... loving?
My brain finally snapped out of its trance and I walked over to them. I practically snatched JR out of Benny's arms.

"Oh look Africa Jionni's home!" Marianna gushed. I wanted to smack that damn smile off of her face.

"Why are you guys happy to see him!" I yelled.

"Africa..." Benny said putting his hand on my shoulder. I smacked his hand away.

"Are guys on drugs or something? This man tried to kill you and you guys told me you hated him!" I yelled through clenched teeth.

JR squirmed in my arms at the sound of me yelling. JR could tell that I was angry and I could tell that he was scared. He looked up at me with his big brown eyes, his lips wavering a little. I tried to soothe him but I was too angry.

"Africa, honey calm down." Marianna said getting closer to me. I moved away putting my hand up to stop her from getting any closer.

I looked at Jionni as he stood there with his head down. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt. He had scratches and bruises all over his arms and face. He looked dirty and sweaty as he stood there looking down at his dirty brown boots.

"Africa, why can't you just forgive him. I mean, look at him." Benny said gesturing towards Jionni.

"Are you fucking serious? Forgive this asshole! He raped me until I got pregnant, he abused me, and he tried to kill me. And you want me to forgive him? Fuck you!"

"Don't talk to them like that!" Jionni said with an angry look on his face.

"I'm a grown ass woman I can talk to who ever I want to like that. You don't tell me what the fuck to do!" I yelled but practically screamed.

JR jumped at my tone of voice. His lips formed a frown before he began to cry. I pushed him up higher on my hip. He cried into my chest as I wrapped my arms around his little body trying to soothe him.

"It's ok baby." I cooed as I rocked him side to side.

"What's wrong with him mommy?" Rhia asked as she practically ran over to him. Rhia was so overprotective over her baby brother. Everytime she would hear him cry she would to him and try to soothe him. I hope she always protects him and I hope he protects her.

"Hey Rhia." Jionni said as he smiled and waved at her.

Rhia just stared at him trying to figure out who he was. It has been months since she had seen him. So she just waved back and turned back to her brother.

"It's okay honey she just doesn't remember you." Marianna said patting Jionni on the back.

He looked so... defeated. But why?

He was so heartless and cold. He barely ever played with Rhia and most of the time he ignored her and walked in the other direction.

I shook my head as I watched Benny and Marianna comfort their son. After all that he has done to them they still welcome him with open arms.

I decided that I couldn't take this no more so I decided to leave. I grabbed Rhia's hand and walked back into the house. I walked through the living room and up the stairs to my room. I closed the door behind us and sat down on my bed. JR had finally calmed down. Rhia played with JR making laugh as she tickled him.

I stood up from the bed and went straight to my closet. I grabbed as much clothes as I could and put them in a suitcase. I walked over to a door on the left side of my room and opened it, it revealed Rhia and JR's room which was connected to my room. I walked in and grabbed some of their clothes and put them in another suitcase.

I would be damned if I stayed in this house with those people. Marianna and Benny lied. They told me they hated Jionni and that they were happy that he was dead. Benny was the one who distracted Jionni so we could get away.

I was pissed.

I hurried up and packed so we could leave. I walked back into my room before stopping dead in my tracks.

Jionni sat there on my bed playing with the kids. They smiled and laughed as Jionni lifted Rhia up and threw her in the air. She laughed wildly, the biggest smile was plastered on her face.

I cleared my throat loudly to get everyone's attention. Jionni and Rhia both snapped their heads to look at me. Jionni's eyes went straight to the suitcase in my hand. He furrowed his eye brows, his lips began to move but I stopped him.

"We're leaving." I stated.

I walked over to Rhia and JR scooping them both up into my arms. I struggled to carry both of them so I decided to let Rhia walk.

"Africa stop!" Jionni said in a low voice.

I ignored him and kept walking not once turning around to look at him.

"Stop!" I felt his hand on my shoulder as he turned my body around. He grabbed my throat and slammed me up against the wall. I heard Rhia and JR scream in fear as they watched him. I was still holding JR in my arms and I was worried he would get hurt.

"Please Jionni! Please don't do this in front of them!" I pleaded.

I looked at them before loosening his grip on my throat. He snatched JR out of my arms and went over to the bed. He sat down and tried to soothe JR. I put my hands over my throat, it still felt as though his hands were still there. I slid down and sat there holding my throat tears threatening to fall.

Rhia ran over to me and laid her head on my chest. I could tell that she was crying as I heard her whimpering. I wrapped my arms around her trying to calm her down.

"This will be the last fucking time that you try to leave me!" He said through clenched teeth.

Flashback Over

I wanted to die but I knew that I needed to hang in there for my children. They needed me more than ever and I need them...

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