Mall Time...

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I gave him a nod, a nod that said no. "Jeydon look I’m sorry but I cant I’m only 16 and I don’t want to. I’m sorry." "Its fine babe as long as I have you everything is perfect." "Thanks now can you hand me my shirt." "Ok sexy here you go." "Thank you! Now go to sleep." Then soon I drifted off into a deep sleep with his arms wrapped around me.


Christina (Jessa’s Mother) heard a knock at the door and answered it. She knew who it was the Biebers so she didn’t bother to check. She greeted them all with a warm hello. My sister Annie was already awake. "Ok well I have to get Jessa up so we can go hold on." "Mom you said you would fix the tare in my shirt before we left." "Oh yeah Justin could you be a dear and wake her up I’m sure she wont be a bare to you." "Ok Mrs. Lynn." As he entered the room he saw Jess sleeping peacefully. Then when he approached her he saw Jeydon and yelled a quick "Ah!" , and woke Jeydon and Jessa up. "Oh My God! Justin what are you doing in here?" "Your mom told me to wake you up and tell you to get dressed so we can go out today." "Listen, Bub she’s not going out with you she’s going out with me ok!" Jeydon said. "I get that she’s going to breakfast then to a movie then the mall with my family and hers ok." "Oh ok well I’ll catch you later babe." Jeydon said with a jealous tone. He walked to my door. "Um Jeydon hold on, you are not leaving without giving me a kiss." He walked over to me and kissed me passionately and through the corner of my eye I could see that Justin had a disgusted look on his face so I pulled away. Then Jeydon was going to walk to the door when I stopped him and reminded him my mom and sister, were down stairs. He went out my window and took the tree down then blew me a kiss. "Ok Justin you can go I’m going to get changed." "Wait! Did you guys do anything last night?" "NO! I’m only 16 and I’m not letting that happen." "Good he’s not worth it." Then he walked out and I walked over to my walk in closet and picked out a cute outfit. It was my red t shirt that was too big so I tied it to my side and created a peek a boo affect, my skinny jeans with premade holes, my DC hat and shoes, and my red leather purse (fake leather of course). Then I pulled my long straight hair in a side pony tail and was ready to go.

I walked down the stairs and my mother gave me a look. "What?" I asked her. "WHAT IS ON YOUR NECK!" *Oh no! I didn’t even look to see if I had a hickey.* "Oh it’s a-." "Who gave you a hickey?" My mom said loudly and shocked. "MOM it’s not a hickey!" "Well then what is it? It’s…. marker." "Marker?" "Yeah I can wash it off." "Ok… so go “wash” it off." "K." then I ran up stairs into my room, then into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw it. Then I got my cover-up and put it on. Then I was ready to go and I walked back downstairs. "Why do you always take the money I give you for cloths and buy that?" "What is that?" I asked confused."You know those hats and shoes." "Mom they are cloths you know." "Yes but not what I want you to ware." "Mom this is how I dress I dress like my personality. I’m a skater." "OK and I see that but try and dress more like your sister. She represents a feminine style." "No she’s a Barbie." "A what?" "She’s fake! Everything about her is fake!" *Annie has blonde hair, but its died. She is thin and dresses girly unless its super hot out. Then its just shorts and a t shirt.* "Ok lets just go have some fun." "I Will." Then as I was walking out the door Justin grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear "Don’t die your hair blonde. Ever." I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then got in the car.


Once we had gotten to the mall we drove around to find a parking spot that was close to the building. Once we did. We were ready to exit the car. "Um… Mom?" Justin Said "Yeah." pattie said. "I forgot my hat at the Lynn’s." "No, now we can’t go." "No, yes we can here Justin you can borrow mine." I said. "Ok thanks." he replied. Then he put the hat on his head then flung his hoodie over it. I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. "WAIT! KIDS! WAIT!" My mom and Pattie yelled while pushing the stroller and Annie trailing behind. "Why?" Justin asked. "I have to give you money." My mom said. Then she handed me 200 dollars. "Thanks mom." "You’re welcome." "Come on lets go." Annie said. "ok!" Then Justin and I walked in the opposite direction from her. "Where are you going?" She said. "WE! As in Justin and I are going shopping, and you are going shopping with Mom, Pattie, Jasmine and Jackson." "Ugh Fine." she said with attitude.   Justin and I walked around the mall until we reached Zumiez. That was one of my favorite stores. Then we went to Aeropostle, Icing, GAP and Hollister. Justin and I bought so much and no one even noticed us. We headed over to the food court. I took the bags to the table and set them down. I walked over to the food stand that was like 2inches from the table so I knew no one would take them. Then I hugged Justin from behind. Then he wrapped me in a hug. Then I ordered what I wanted.

Bella’s P.o.v: (Bella is Jeydon’s ex girlfriend who absolutely despises me, and for know reason besides me dating Jeydon!)

When I was sitting with my friends at the food court I saw Jessa, but I didn’t see Jeydon. Until she walked up to a guy and hugged him from behind. When he turned around to hug her I saw it wasn’t him so I called him to tell him what I saw. (B= Bella Je= Jeydon)

Je: Hello!

B: Jey Jey! Guess who’s at the mall with another guy.

Je: Bella were over I don’t care.

B: So you and Jessa are over?

Je: Oh you were talking about Jessa?

B: Duh! She’s here with a guy that’s not you!

Je: I know he’s just a family friend of hers.

B: Oh, so do you hug your family friends from behind?

Je: WHAT! Who Hug Who?

B: Jessa hugged him.

Je: Oh My Gosh I can’t believe…. YOU!

B: ME! What did I do?

Je: You’re trying to ruin my relationship.

B: No, I’m not its true, and now they are sitting at the table together.

Je: What? Ok so they are with a lot of people. Aren’t they?

B: Nope

Je: OK! I’ll Talk to you… NEVER!

B: K,K bye!

The phone hangs up. That will show her not to steal my man.

reg. pov.


We were just sitting on my bed with an awkward silence. I had fun today! I said to break it. Thanks Justin. Welcome any time. He leaned in closer to my face. I was about to kiss him when…..

cliff hanger :o ;)

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