IV.Denisa's house- Denisa's room

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There are 20 posters of Justin Bieber on Denisa's wall. Lily is looking at each of them. Denisa is next to her, admiring her own posters. Cece is sitting on the edge of the bed, being quiet and disgusted by what she sees.

Lily: Denisa, I thought you had only 19 posters of Justin. 

Denisa: Yes but my cousin gave me one more on my birthday. Look,(shows Lily the newest poster) there are only 10 posters like this one in the USA.

Lily: I want one too..(says dramatically) Justin looks wonderful in this poster.

Denisa:He looks wonderful in all posters, videos, pictures...

Lily: His skin looks so soft ...and his eyes(says dreamfully)..this is the most gorgeous shade of brown I've ever seen. 

Armand comes into Denisa's room. Cece stares at him lovingly.

Denisa: Hey, Armand!(not looking at him) 

Lily: Denisa, if I ever meet Justin, I swear I will...(doesn't finish)

Armand(sits next to Cece): Again? Why are all girls in love with this douchebag ?

Denisa: Armand, how do you dare to call this angel a douchebag? (says irritated)

Cece: (ignoring Denisa's question, says to Armand) I'm asking myself this question everyday.

Cece is playing with her hair and smiles uncontrollably  looking at Armand.

Lily: Armand, you're a guy, you   won't understand.

Cece: Lily, I'm a girl and I still don't understand...you won't ever meet him.

Lily: Neither will you.

Cece: I don't even want to meet him!(says arrogant)And even if I met him, I would just ignore him, unlike you, who would scream crazily  and cry and be like "Oh my God, Justin Bieber!"(says ironically ) Uh...that's sooo silly! Who is he? He's just a famous selfish rich boy. What do you see in him?! He doesn't even know you exist and if he did, (laughs) he wouldn't care. He only cares about money and cars. 

Lily:That'a not true. He doesn't only care about money and cars, he also cares about....

Cece: Oh right, prostitutes!! He cares about money, cars AND prostitutes!(says loudly) He cares about too many things. (says sarcastically) Well, he's an amazing person. He's the best role model...ugh "beliebers"... He just sings some shitty songs, parties hard, gets drunk and hires prostitutes every night! How could he be your role model?! 

Lily and Denisa: Shut up! 

Armand(laughs loudly): I love the way you think, Cece...

Cece(smiles lovely): Thank you! 

Armand stands up and kisses Cece's lips. Cece looks at him surprised. 

Armand: I go to work out my abs . Bye girls (winks at Cece as he leaves ) 

Cece(breathes deeply): Denisa, your...your brother...has just kissed me (has a big smile on her face)

Denisa: I know! (says enthusiastically ) 

Lily: Congratulations.(fakes happiness) 

Cece: Does it mean...Armand and I are dating ?! (says happily) 

Lily laughs.

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