Chapter 9

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I drove down the street to where I was supposed to meet him. I can't believe I even got myself into this mess. Ugh. Why does life have to be such a pain. I mean can't my life be normal but no of course it can't I just had to be a werewolf going to meet someone that could possible kill me. Yep sounds like my life. So, as I got out of the car to meet whoever texted me I saw a figure hiding behind something. Now most people would be like ok creepy figure dude time to get back in the car, but me being who I am I went to check the figure out.

     "Hello!" I called and saw the figure move but got no answer. "Hey um are you the person I'm supposed to meet?" He just kept standing there and didn't say a word. "Ok so I guess not " so as I turned around to leave I felt something brush my shoulder and looked around to find someone watching me just three feet away. It was the figure.

       "Ok so creepy figure dude can walk. So I'm here creepy figure dude what do you want from me." He just stood there and tilted his head and then I heard him laugh.
"You see Katerina I'm not one to play games." Ok so this just got weird. "I'm sorry but you must be mistaken. My name is Harper not Katerina." He just smirked. He bowed and said something else that made me curious. "Princess Katerina the third, long lost daughter to Queen Tatiana and King Harold, King and Queen of the werewolf and supernatural world." Ok now I know this guy is nuts.

    "I'm sorry but no. I'm just an ordinary girl no royalty here. So I'm sorry super creepy dude but you've got the wrong girl." I turned around to walk away but he gripped my arm. "Wait I can prove it to you. Change into your wolf" I did as told  and changed into my silver wolf. He smiled and lifted my ear to see a crown marking on my fur. My fur can change colors it's really cool but back to the point. I changed back.

      "I am royalty." I stated simply and he nodded and grinned. "Please do come back to the castle with me. I have been searching for years for the king and queen to find the long lost princess. I only sent that message just to insure you would come. I'm truly sorry." I nodded. I shall go back to the castle even though this may result in a catastrophe in the end. Ugh why is life so complicating. I mean my 'parents' lied to me my whole life. Now that is just cruel.

    "Don't expect much from me. I am not prim and proper so don't make me into to something I'm not or into to something that will destroy me. My mate will be joining me I will not live without him. I'm not a dog so please don't boss me around." The man just laughed, "Of course not m'lady". " oh and I never got your name" I asked realizing my mistake. "It's Joseph" I smiled and hopped into the car.

     I have another chapter finished! Woohoo! So I'm thinking about changing the name to "My secret past" or "lost but found". You choose. I'm definitely gonna change the cover though it's just so boring. Anyways here's your chapter hope you enjoy it!

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