Fractured Lines

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My family wasn't like everyone else's on the world. We didn't believe in the whole soulmate conspiracy that every other person did. We didn't spend years upon years traveling the world to find who we were made to spend the rest of our lives with, our soulmates were gone.

In the world we live in is full of people all around who trusted the brush of a stranger to bring them eternal happiness all because of magical ink, my family was broken. No one in my family had ever experienced what it was like to find a soulmate, we were all born with our soulmate marks, better called soulmate tattoos, inked onto our skin broken and sharp showing that the one we were meant to spin the rest of our life with was dead.

Ever since I was younger it never really bothered me that I was meant to be alone forever, it just felt like something that would happen. I would grow old with out ever feeling the hot breath of my lover on my skin, or the cold brush of their finger tips on my skin, it wasn't meant to happen. Instead I would grow old and alone with my brother, Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and everyone of my bloodline. It would just me us, and I was okay with that, most of the time.

But there were some nights I would not sleep at all, too caught up in the aching pain to remember that I wasn't as alone as the dreams screamed at me. 

That was when I was younger of course, probably around the time my hormones started kicking in and those awkward tween years dominated my life. Where like every other teenage boy my body craved to find a way to expel the horribly horny thoughts that never went away. It was also around the time I started to come into contact with the soulmate couples of the town that I lived in.

My birth place was a large city filled with thousands of people, it was constantly growing and changing with the times and people started to find easier ways to find their soulmate all but cutting out those awkward years of loneliness. Though it seemed dreamy for those who didn't have to look into the mirror and see their fractured soulmate tattoo, others, like my family, had to live with the shame of being approached and asked to join in the soulmate search only to turn it down with small excuses of, "I don't have time" or "My children are too young to have to worry about that".  It was always painful, not much for myself but more so for my parents and older brother.

My family consisted of six people, counting myself. My parents, Lilly and James Masters, two of the kindest people you will ever meet but also the saddest. They both were born with fractured soulmate lines, a pain no parent wished to have to see shown on their child, so unlike my father's family, my mother was abandoned into an orphanage almost as soon as she was born. My father's family on the other hand was quite use to the cold disappointment of Fractured children, it runs in his family going back five long generations of 6 kids each, while my fathers generation was a family of ten kids, it didn't matter to them that Dad was fractured. My parents met early into elementary and from there fell in love on their own to marry a week after graduating high school and two weeks later my eldest brother was born.

Out of the children first was Levi. He was born only 9 months after my parents wedding and like the bloodlines before him he was Fractured. Unlike everyone else it seemed, he didn't mind it, he accepted it from the start and when I once asked him why he did he told me that, "It was almost like my life was nothing but an empty void of everything. Like all the oxygen was stolen from me and I wouldn't find it ever again. It made me realize that I had lost my other half in some way that I couldn't explain, but though I was lonely my dreams showed me flashes of a face I don't remember and of a voice that was meant for me. It made me understand that even if I was alone here that around me and after I die i wouldn't be." Unlike everyone of the family he was the romantic living his life as well as he could but never even trying to find happiness in physical love of another.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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