Smooth Lines

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Everyone had one. It wasn't something only one family member had. Well, at least in my village it was common. No one was with out one. No one but me. I remember asking my mother why I didn't posses such a beautiful body painting along my skin.

Her reply was simple, short, and sweet, "Because You don't."

I never understood what she meant by those three, or four, words.

I use to believe that I would grow into it. Maybe one night while I was alone at home it would appear.

I would wait alone standing in our small bathroom looking at myself naked for hours hoping, praying, for some sign that it would cover my skin and pull me closer to everyone around me.

But so such luck was on it's way for me.

As I grew I learned more about the Tattoo and what it meant and It didn't take me long to realize why the tattoo refused to show itself on me.

It was because I had not come in contact with My One True Love.

It didn't take long after that, that my mother started pulling me from city to city in search of my Future Lover. It didn't take long for us both to give up and set up a home far from our first home in a wide farm land bought using some stolen goods, and many promises.

I was only 9 then.

That was 8 years ago.

Now I stand like every normal day at the corner of 2nd and Eastern waiting to cross the busy street and head toward my well loved tattoo parlor, when all the tattoos that cover my skin have been produced.

As the traffic slows I hurry across the black pavement and push along side many other passing citizens. I shove and butt my way throw the crowd keeping a tight hold on my wallet watching the smaller, wilder children standing close to the shadows and smiling happily at all the passing men and women. These children have more than once beat me in a game of who can pick pocket better more than once, making them the perfect criminals.

As I shove my way up the steps and into the door of the dark black building before me, a large grin etches it's way onto my face causing me to let out a soft laugh as my name is shouted out by my Best, and Only Friend, Dean Masters.

"Colton!" He shouts loudly looking up for when he had been drawing a fairly small tattoo on a young, tattoo virgin, teen girl. Her eyes closed and her velvet colored hair hanging in loose strands around her small, thin, Olive colored face. Her eyes are clinched tightly closed and her full lips are pulled down in a pain filled grimace making me chuckle.

"Ey Dean!" I smirk back at him as I settle down in an open chair to watch him continue with his work.

"Come for some new Ink?" He questions quickly whipping some ink from the young girls arm before sitting back and smirking back at me.

"No I missed you!" I tease him laughing, "Of course I came for more Ink Stupid."

With an annoyed eye roll he covers the girl's tattoo and starts explaining to her how to take care of it. His voice goes on and on, even though it only took a few minutes, but it felt like forever to me.

"So where do you want it today?" Dean's voice breaks me out of a trance causing me to jump and curse hopefully silently under my breath.

"You Lil Shit!" I curse him standing up and pulling off my hoodie exposing my lightly tattooed arms. He just chuckles and shakes his head sitting down next to me.

"As I questioned before, what and where?" He hums as he goes throw a quick check on his equipment.

"I want something here," I gesture to my arm in a lazy attempt to give him any kind of idea what i wanted, even though I didn't even know myself.

He just nods and starts on the tattoo not even knowing what he will draw. But i don't care. That is how I've gotten most of my tattoos. Just watching Dean draw the pain faint to me as i watch the lines come to life at his hands.

I slowly look up at him and Like ever other day I stare at him taking in everything about him. From the way his blood red hair falls wildly, to the glasses that control his face. I let myself take him in slowly. I gaze at the wild red hair and then slowly letting my eyes drag along his face. I stare at the pale pale white skin that covers him, and then to the light brown colored eyes. His childish face making it hard to believe he is 19 and not 16. I gaze at the way his red lips are pulled down in a small frown as he works. I then slowly gaze down his arms and stare at the many colored tattoos that cover him.

After who knows how long, I finally hear Dean clear his throat causing me to look up suddenly and send him a questioning look. He then says as he looks back down at my tattoo in progress, "Is it true what everyone is saying?"

"Donno.. What's everyone saying?"

"That you have found your other half.."

I cough loudly and look at Dean with surprise and shout, "Who The Hell started that rumor?"

He shrugs and keeps his mouth closed tightly. I sigh knowing he'll never talk. With an irritated growl I glance down at my arm and the tattoo.

I look at it with a raised eye brow still not knowing what it is, but i know better than to question the Master when he is at work.

Right as Dean leans back only 20 minutes later the door is opened causing me to look up and choke on air.

Standing in the door way is the most Innocent, smallest, and hottest guy I have ever seen. I let my eyes trail over him thirstily drinking him in.

The boy looks quit nervous as he shifts from foot to foot making it apparent he isn't here for a tattoo as he stands a black hoodie tugged tightly around him. I smirk as I run my eyes over his nice black skinny jean clad legs and then down to his van covered feet. I then quickly look up and take in his facial appearance with eagerness.

I smile at his beautiful and flawless skin and the light tan it is. I look to his full lips the color of red rose in full bloom and then at his cute little nose and then to his beautiful perfect dark brown eyes reminding me of a small animal lost and afraid. His beautiful light brown hair falling slightly over his forehead causing him to have to brush it away ever couple of seconds. I watch as he bits his lip lightly slowly drawing in in bottom lip and his perfectly white teeth to peak out from their hiding place.

"SAMMY!" Dean shouts excitedly as he stands and hurries toward the small boy.

The boy looks up started for a second before smiling and hugging Dean quickly. He then looks at the ground a light pink covering his checks.

Dean chuckles and then looks back at me and tugs the boy forward tell he stands infront of me.

Dean smirks and says as he shoves Sammy forward at me, "Colton, This is my Little Brother Sam. Sam meet My best Friend Colton."

I catch the small boy holding him close and suddenly a shock runs through my body causing be to gasp before looking at the small boy.


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