Soulmate Lines

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Once upon a Wish in a place and a world lost in time, no one understood how to find the love of their life. It was a complicated matter that only slowly took shape in an easier form. People would touch or bump into on the street and magical lines would slowly paint their skins, for the longest time being called fate lines. These so called 'fate lines' were thought of as horrible omens of whom ever it was painted across. People who would find their skin painted with the lines and patterns at first were killed and burned for years upon years. Slowly though people started to hide there marks and killing those with them slowly faded away until people forgot what the lines meant and why they needed to hide them.

After the forgetting slowly people became more and more aware of the lines and people started to search and find out what they meant until the fate lines became soulmate lines. These lines bringing joy and happiness to all who met the person with the matching line. These lines being the only positive to those who had no joy in life.

While there were people who were given the mark when they touched there were those who were born with the mark or the mark randomly showed up with no touch and was almost like a faded picture or pattern on their skin. These people were people who had lost their soulmate and were called the fractured, or their lines named the Fractured Lines, for their fate line was broken the moment their meant to be died.

At first the Fractured seemed to just be people who lost their love early, but soon it was almost like they were born with a disorder that harmed them, changing how they were and almost making them a flaw of reality. They were killed and chased away people finding them horrible and unlucky when  all they were, were hurt and alone. Soon it wasn't rare to find groups and large families of Fractured everywhere, people who were thrown out who found love on their own. These people normally giving birth to other fractured children or even some lucky chances unfractured children. They built cities for their happiness though the factured never were truly healed even when they had a lover.

There were rare happenings though when those who were fractured came into contact of those who were not. Then the one who wasn't fractured would fall in love with them at first sight changing their own Soulmate Line. The theory of why this happens is because the Unfractured person was once the fractured persons lover from long ago who died painful and fate was reuniting them, but that was only a fairy tail. Rebirth and soulmates were two solidly different items, which in the world of the Soulmate Lines did not connect even if the evidence was clear and there.

Unlike normal love and happiness the soulmate lines brought people together who belonged together and could not escape the grasp of Fate. They were the Real One True Parings.

I based some of this off of birthmarks. Some people have them some don't. Some people have matching ones or more then one and I just wanted to kind of give it it's own twist. It's almost the same Idea with the notion that i read once that a birthmark is just the spot that you died in a previous life and people who do not have any are new souls who are experiencing life for the first time. No worries if you don't believe this because it's fiction and my own twist to my imagination. Please enjoy though! -Ky

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