Girl Meets Alexander L. Queen

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My name is Alexander Luis Queen. I have a twin sister, Ainsley Morgan Queen North. Ainsley is married to Austin Liam North, who is also 24. Today I'm going to propose to the love of my life, Peyton Elise List. I have the perfect ring and setting. It will be on the beach at the spot we met at three years ago. We were both 21. Now, we are 24 and are ready to begin our lives together and have kids. I'm texting her right now.
(Text to Peyton)
Hey Peyton. Meet me on the beach at the exact place we met three years ago. There will he a surprise waiting for you.
Love, Alex.
(End text)
Perfect! I can't wait to actually propose to her tonight. It'll be the perfect night of our lives! Hopefully she says yes though.
*dolphin's cove on the beach. Peyton is already there*
Hey Peyton!
Alex! What's so special?
*we stop walking*
Peyton Elise List. I have loved you since the moment that I met you on the subway three years ago. You are the music to my heart and I would never let you go.
*I go on one knee and Peyton gasps*
So, Peyton Elise List, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and marry me?
Yes. A billion times yes.
*I slip the ring onto her finger and we kiss under the sunset*
I love you Peyton Elise List Queen.
I love you too Alexander Luis Queen.
*our wedding day 2 months later*
Do you, Peyton Elise List, take Alexander Luis Queen to be your lawfully wedded husband?
I do.
And do you, Alexander Luis Queen, take Peyton Elise List to he your lawfully wedded wife?
I do.
I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
*Peyton and I kiss long and hard*
Introducing Mr and Mrs Alexander Luis Queen!!!!!
*applause as we run down the aisle*
We are free Peyton.
Hey. Ainsley called. She's pregnant with her first child and it's a girl.
Really?! Your first niece!
Yeah. You want kids?
Yeah! Wanna start now?
Sure. Whatever you want.
*3 months later*
I'm pregnant!
Yay!!! I'll get you an appointment and call our parents. Ainsley is 5 months pregnant so maybe she can give us some advice?
*he calls everyone*
So, the doctor says we can come in 30 minutes.
Ok. We should leave now then.
*at the doctors*
Well Peyton, it looks like you are about 2 months pregnant. Would you like to have an ultrasound? You can find out the gender too.
Yes please.
Okay. It looks like you guys are having twins!
Twins?!? Yay!!!!!!
The genders are a girl and a boy.
Thank you.
Of course!
*in the car*
Names Peyton?
For girls I like Paige, Skye, Sophie, Rachel, Amber, Chloe, Taylor, Lauren and Lindsay.
Ok. I like Paige, Amber, Lauren and Taylor.
Out of those I like Lauren and Taylor.
We can do Lauren Taylor for our daughter.
For boys I like Vincent, Martin, Maximilian, Christopher, Benjamin, Quincy, Toby and Gabriel.
I like Christopher, Benjamin, Gabriel and Martin.
Out of those I like Gabriel and Martin.
We could do Gabriel Martin for our son.
Perfect!! Oh yeah, Ainsley is naming her daughter Riley Autumn North.
Aw! How adorable!

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