Girl Meets 8 Years

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*Riley, Lauren and Gabriel are 9. Gabriella and Cooper are 8. Gunter Tyler Queen, Gregory Luis Queen, Chloe Celeste North and Ciara Morgan North are 7. Peyton is 8 months pregnant with a baby boy, Grant Justin. Ainsley is 7 months pregnant with a baby boy, Caleb George*
Alex! The baby is coming!
I'll get a doctor!
*Alex comes back with a doctor who says that Peyton is 10 centimeters dilated*
Welcome a healthy baby boy!!!!!!
My son is here.
Welcome Grant Justin Queen. Born February 5, 2069 at 0400. 9 lbs 10 oz and 29 inches tall at birth.
*1 month*
It's a boy!!!!
My son is here Austin.
I know Ainsley.
Meet Caleb George North. Born March 5, 2069 at 0500. 8 lbs 5 oz and 23 inches tall birth.
*7 months later. Peyton and Ainsley are 3 months pregnant. They are both having twins*
Peyton, you are having twins, a boy and girl.
*with Ainsley*
Ainsley, you are having twin girls.
*in the car with Alex and Peyton*
Paige, Skye, Elise, Katy and Ciara.
I like Paige, Skye, Katy and Ciara.
Katy Ciara?
Garrett Michael?
*with Ainsley and Austin*
Rihanna Lindsay? Rachel Evelyn?
Wonderful Ainsley!!!!
Yeah. Alex is having a boy and a girl, Garrett Michael and Katy Ciara.
Those are pretty names too!

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