Girl Meets 1 Year

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*Lizzy, Emily and Ester are 1. Lauren, Sophia, Gabriella, Elizabeth and Miranda are all 8 months pregnant. Lauren, Sophia and Miranda are having quads. Gabriella is having twins and Elizabeth is having triplets. Date May 2, 2070*
Lauren: so, David, names for 4 girls?
David: Jessica, Jill, Johanna and Jordan.
Lauren: what if we did Jessica Lauren, Jordan Willow, Jill Michelle and Johanna Morgan?
David: I love it!
*David walks over to his heavily pregnant with quads wife and rubs her belly*
David: Hi Jessica, Jordan, Jill and Johanna. I'm your daddy. Be good for your mommy and stay in for one more month.
Lauren: like that's gonna happen. Ha!
*with Gabriel and Sophia*
Sophia: Gabriel, we need names for 2 girls and 2 boys.
Gabriel: Charlotte Elizabeth, Cooper Colton, Cindy Morgan and Casper Gabriel.
*Gabriel is now seated next to Sophia, who is 39 weeks pregnant with quads, just like Lauren and Miranda*
Gabriel: Hi Charlotte, Cooper, Cindy and Casper. I'm your daddy. Please be good for your mommy.
*with Gabriella and Ronald*
Gabriella: we only need two names for 2 girls this time.
Ronald: Ella Jordan and Mackenzie Angelique?
Gabriella: Love it!
*Ronald cuddles up to Gabriella and her baby bump which is extremely huge. Gabriella is 39 weeks*
Ronald: Hey Ella and Kenzie. I'm your daddy. Your mommy and I can't wait to meet you guys. Be good and stay in for 1 more month.
*at Gunter and Elizabeth's house*
Elizabeth: names for 2 boys and 1 girl.
Gunter: Ian Tristan, Laura Marie and Ethan Bryan.
Elizabeth: Love them!
*Gunter moves towards Elizabeth slightly seeing that she is 39 weeks pregnant with triplets*
Gunter: Hello Ian, Laura and Ethan. It's me, daddy. I love you three so much!
*at Miranda and Gregory's house*
Miranda: you can pick names for 2 boys and I'll do 2 boys.
Greg: sounds perfect.
*15 minutes later*
Miranda: I have mine
Greg: me too.
Miranda: Zachary Alexander and Nicholas Samuel.
Greg: I love yours hon. Nolan Quincy and Zander Thomas.
Miranda: love yours too.
*Greg moves closer to Miranda and her 39 week bump*
Greg: Hello Zachary, Nicholas, Nolan and Zander. It's daddy. Be good for mommy.
*2 weeks later. Lauren, Sophia, Gabriella, Elizabeth and Miranda are 42 weeks*
Lauren: David!!!!!!!! Get me to the hospital! My water just broke!
David: okay hon!
*at the hospital*
Doctor: okay Lauren, we have to have a c-section because baby A is breech, baby B is breech, baby C is not breech and baby D has the umbilical cord around its neck.
Lauren: okay. My poor babies.
*in the surgery room*
Doctor: Baby A is out and it's a lovely little girl!!!
Lauren: Jessica Lauren Smith is here.
*10 minutes later*
Doctor: Baby B is out and it's a lovely girl as well!
David: Jordan Willow Smith.
*5 minutes later*
Doctor: It's another girl!!
Lauren: Jill Michelle Smith.
*15 minutes later*
Doctor: Baby D is out but we must stabilize her at once.
David: Johanna Morgan Smith.
*in the recovery room. Lauren is holding Jessica and David is holding Jordan. Jill is in a crib and Johanna is in the NICU*
Lauren: Jessica has my brown eyes, mouth, nose and ears. She has your blonde hair.
David: Jordan has my mouth, nose, ears and green eyes. She has your red hair.
*they look into the crib where Jill is*
Lauren: Jill has my mouth, nose, ears, brown eyes and red hair.
David: she is you all the way dear.
Lauren: yeah. I wonder what Johanna looks like.
*doctor walks in*
Doctor: Hello. We have stabilized your daughter and a nurse is bringing her in right now.
*nurse enters with a crib*
Doctor: here she is. There are 6 kids waiting outside. Can they come in?
Lauren: our other 6 kids. Of course they can.
*Alexander, Peyton, Judy, Jennifer, Joseph, Jillian, Jackson and Josiah all walk in*
Alexander: care to introduce us?
Lauren: of course. This one is our oldest, Jessica Lauren Smith. Born July 2, 2070 at 0400 via c-section. 6 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches.
David: This one is the second born, Jordan Willow Smith. Born July 2, 2070 at 0415 via c-section. 6 lbs 6 oz and 22 inches.
Lauren: our third one, Jill Michelle Smith. Born July 2, 2070 at 0435 via c-section. 6 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches.
David: lastly, our youngest, Johanna Morgan Smith. Born July 2, 2070 at 0445 via c-section. 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches. She was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. She is stable.
Peyton: Oh my. At least Hanna is fine.
Lauren: Hanna?
Peyton: Johanna's nickname.
Lauren: oh. I love it mom!
Peyton: Jessica can be Jess. Jordan can be JW and Jill can be JM.
Lauren and David: we love those nicknames!
Peyton: glad you think so.
Judy and Jennifer: Can we hold one?
David: Sure! Judy, who do you want to hold?
Judy: Jess.
David: okay. Here you go.
*he takes Jess from Lauren and places her into Judy's arms*
David: Jennifer?
Jennifer: Jordan please.
*give Jordan to Jennifer*
David: anyone else?
Joseph: Me! Can I hold Jill?
David: sure son.
*JM is handed to Joseph*
Jillian: Can I hold Hanna?
David: Sure sweetie.
*carefully takes Hanna out if the crib and hands her to Jillian*
Jackson: Can I cuddle with mom?
Lauren: sure you can sweet pea.
*Jackson carefully climbs onto Lauren's lap*
Lauren: David, can you put Josiah on my lap too?
David: sure sweetie.
*places Josiah onto Lauren's lap along with Jackson*

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