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I got tagged by btsex-
IM NOT PUTTING A CREATIVE TITLE do you want me to mess up my book title theme & cry? No. You don't.

1. you must post the rules

2. You must answer all 13 questions and then make another 13 for the people you tag

3. You must tag 13 people

4. You can't say "I don't like tagsssss" [ rood ]

5. You have a week to answer [ or nah ]

6. make a creative title [ suck my ass ]

Okie dokie [ yo ]

Q: If you could post a selca with any Kpop idol who would you choose? Why?

A: probably BamBam cause I feel like he'd do some stupid shit and dab in it or something.

Q: Your in a classroom with your classmates which include BTS and EXO [ all 12 ]. Which person would you approach first/ who is the most approachable and friendly person?

A: JHope or Baekhyun cause they're nice as shit.

Q: Who from BTS do you think you're most like personality wise?

A: probably Suga cause he's chill and also sly and silently judges everyone but he also looks out for them and is kinda a rock for the members.

Q: Your out on a date with Chen. [ I MEAN OK ] Unexpectedly Lay shows up, [ oh shit didn't mean to take ur man ] confessing his love to you- in front of your handsome date. What do you do?

A: I'd be like "sorry potato chip but Chen got them vocal skills yk like that dinosaur roar gets me every time. Save yourself for Xiumin."

Q: Would you rather be Taehyung's tongue or Yoongi's thighs? Why?

A: Yoongi's thighs cause we all know people be gripping them & JIMIN PROB- I'll stop.

Q: do you find Kpop memes or funny Kpop vines more entertaining?

A: probably funny Kpop vines like ExoSexo. Idk memes are great tho.

Q: You and your ultimate bias start dating. [ okay so me n Jack mkay ] He seems sweet at first but then suddenly pressures you into things you don't feel comfortable doing. One of his friends come along - your bias wrecker [ JB ok ] - and treats you way better & actually secretly tells you he has feeling for you. Who do you choose? What do you do and why?

A: tbh I'd stay with Jackson. Talk things out. I'm not about to leave him for this little thing. I'm assuming theses things you aren't comfortable with are sexual but I mean idk. That's not a big deal to me. IM NOT SWERVING FROM MY LANE stay away JB

Q: You are roommates with the members of EXO and BTS- who are all your close friends. [ sausage fest ] You've been having insecurity problems lately. Who do you go to for advice? Why?

A: Uhmmm I dunno maybe D.O? He seems like an honest man and wouldn't sugar coat anything and actually tell me if I'm pretty or not. I'd rather be told the truth than a lie.

Q: Would you rather give up Kpop forever or kill your bias?

A: why you do dis. Man idk I feel like if I tried to kill Jackson he'd murder me instead and then he'd be in jail. So I'll give up Kpop lmao

Q: Your at the movies with your friend when your bias joins you two in watching the movie. The whole time, your friend flirts with your bias even though he is clearly into you and not her. What do you do/say?

A: I'd lay that shit straight like "Wild and Sexy likes me okay? Like .. I hear Junior is free. Please go find another man ok."

Q: Would you rather get laser eye surgery or plastic surgery? Why?

A: plastic surgery ? I don't wear glasses so I don't need laser eye surgery

Q: If your bias proposes to you, but your whole family hates him, what would you do? Why?

A: the only one I care about from my family is my mom and she'd get over it eventually so I'd marry him.

Q: Would you rather be in one of Got7's music videos or spend Christmas with them? Why?

A: music video because those take like up to a week to film sometimes and that's more time than a day ((:

Alright I guess it's time for me to make questions:

1. if you were dating your ultimate bias and one day he told you he was gay and is going to be with [ your OTP ], what would you say/do?

2. What's your favorite music video from Got7?

3. What was/ is your favorite era of BTS?

4. Who's your bias wrecker in EXO?

5. What's your favorite sub-unit in Kpop? [ ex: GD & TOP ]

6. If you had to choose one rapper to save in a burning building out of all of the rappers in Kpop groups, who would you save and why?

7. What music video/ song gets you the most hype? [ mine is Good Boy ]

8. What group would you recommend to others that's maybe not as popular as others?

9. Do you prefer more Kpop or Khiphop? Why?

10. If you had to marry one girl from any Kpop Group, who would it be and why?

11. Name your top 10 favorite Kpop songs at the moment.

12. Choose 5 Kpop groups [ boy or girl ] and rank them from most favorite to least.

13. What's the funniest thing your bias has ever done?

AND NOW WE TAG 13 PEOPLE. Sorry in advance I don't talk to some of you.


Have fun you peeps.

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