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I was tagged by wastedyoongi thank you again.

I bet you guys thought I was dead huh? Honestly I was so lazy to write my story but I think I'm gonna pick back up on it because when I started writing it, I was still getting into Kpop so now that I'm caught up with all the groups I stan, I'll start writing it again.

1. Single or taken?
- single
2. Middle name?
- Jacksons thighs
3. last kiss?
- uhuhuhuh good question idk I used to be a hoe, although I'm not like that anymore, I'm not even sorry
4. Girl bff?
- Kelly, my sunshine. I'm active on twitter btw so if you wanna DM me on there and talk, please do (@kisumsoftly)
5. Guy bff
- I actually don't have any TBH it's sad
6. Favorite song?
- Good Boy by GDxTaeyang
7. Height?
- like 5'3
8. Weight?
- I have no clue but I'm not skinny lol
9. First Kiss?
- the first dude I ever dated, his name was Lance yikes
10. Sports?
- no thanks
11. One secret?
- I think im bicurious ? I haven't told anyone
12. Piercing?
- I have gauges
13. Longest relationship?
- 11 months
14. Favorite ex?
- they're all exes for a reason I don't have a favorite
15. Race?
- white as hell
16. 3 things u want to change about urself?
- my lack of patience, my indecisiveness, and how nice I am cause I let ppl walk all over me sometimes
17. who do you tell everything to?
- my close twitter friends and my cousin
18. Ever cheated?
- I mean, video games, tests, homework, sure.
19. One wish?
- that's too much pressure no thanks
20. Funniest memory?
- uhhh I was at a fair one time and there was this dude wearing a purple cheetah jacket that looked kinda feminine, standing next to his friend getting on the Farris wheel and they like sat right next to each other and so me and my friend were waiting to get on and we looked up and yelled to the dude "are you gay?" And he leaned over the side and was like "you fucking know it" ,, IDK it was funny to me plus It was in Texas so I wasn't expecting it
21. Beach or pool?
- pool
22. U pretty
- thanks
23. Been bullied?
- yes I have
24. Age
- 18 wow I'm old
25. Goal on Instagram?
- uhh to go back to having themes it's ugly w/o one tbh (@kisumsoftly go follow me thanks)
26. Favorite food besides ice cream?
- sushi. But not raw. It's called the Kicken Chicken roll, it's life
27. Who do you trust?
- my cousin
28. Who have you been through the most with?
- my cousin LOL
29. Favorite color?
- peach
30. Ever been suspended?
- nope I'm a good kid
31. What did you do today
- took a shower. Got my hair cut. It was chill
32. Worst teacher
- 9th grade History teacher he was racist it was ugly
33. School?
- not in it
34. Want kids?
- I want to adopt
35. How many
- 2
36. Boy or girl?
- me? The kids I want? What I like? You gotta be specific man
37. Pets?
- two cats, Pearl & Ruby, one dog jessabelle
38. Snoop it davion?
- w h a t
39. 3 turn ons?
- funny, cute smile, can hold a conversation
40. 3 turn offs?
- jealous to the point it's annoying, asks wyd every 5 minutes, and doesn't share the same interests as me

I'm boring

I'm tagging;
(some are random sorry if I don't talk to you)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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