The Beginning

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Sky and Aria were best friends, they both went to the same school, had similar hobbies and spent most of their spare time together. When they were together it didn't matter what they were doing (watching YouTube, reading a book...) they always had a great time together.

Angel was the youngest out of the pair, she was 18 years old, she had wavy brown hair, chocolate eyes, Angelina-Jolie lips and glasses.
Sky was the polar opposite of Angel, 20 years old, dead straight blond hair and icy blue eyes.

The duo both had a lot in common. They were trash, Undertale trash, band trash, Phan trash, Septiplier trash, whatever kind of trash you could literally think of. This trash is what motivated them to buy tickets to Dan and Phil's tour; The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire.

A/N: hey guys!! Welcome to chapter 1, basically this is just introducing the  setting and characters and is basically a character profile. I promise the rest will be not-shit so stick around for that.
If you are going to read my other fanfics (the 5sos ones), I'm going to say it right now; they SUCK, I was a terrible writer back then and they just suck.
So uh yeah. Thanks for sticking around I guess.
Angie xx

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