Going to TATINOF part 1

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Sky gave herself one last check in the mirror, she was ready to go. She was wearing her black jeans, a cute tee and some boots, cat whiskers on her face and her long blonde hair falling around her shoulders.

"Angel!" Sky yelled accusingly across the hotel room "Are you ready yet? Stop looking at your reflection!"
"Okay. Okay." Angel sighed walking out the bathroom "I know we have to go but I still look like shit"
Sky gave her a quick look over. "No you don't, you look fine", She was wearing black jeans, grey denim converse, and an official Dan and Phil Japan Sweater, (A/N; which you can buy at danandphilshop.com; your welcome dan and phil for that shameless promo) her hair was straightened, so instead of curls there was little ringlets in the waves, a flower crown delicately placed on her head and cat whiskers drawn on her face.

"Okay fine" Ang replied throwing her hands up in defeat "Let's go"
The walk to the venue was short, only five minutes as they chose a hotel close to the venue.

Ang started skipping along the sidewalk singing ladders, while Sky walked behind smirking at her idiotic friend, chiming in every so often to participate in the rendition of the song.

Then they saw it, the massive sign for TATINOF, with a smirking Dan and grinning Phil beckoning them to go inside.
Ang grabs Sky's hand and drags her inside with a final "let's go!"

Inside was a jumble of VIP fans early for the pre-show party. The large room was full of fans wandering around excitedly and a massive crowd over near the merch table.

The girls decided to get to the VIP room quickly, so they headed to the sign that would lead them there.
Sky scanned the room around her, taking in everything, breathless. Ang was already at the food table shovelling her face full of pocky sticks.

The room around them was a buzz of people talking on beanbags, prepping for the meet and greet and dancing to the music playing over the speakers
(which was at that very moment, Toxic by Britney Spears).

The doors opened as girly squeals rang out through the air; and there standing in front of them was Dan Howell and Phil Lester.
Hey. So the story is just beginning and it's not to shabby is it? Argh it might be to you but I quite like it. Fingers crossed you like it.
If you have ang constructive criticism let me know here. Thank you
Angie xx

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