Chapter Two| Fucking Cakes|

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Hiya there! I'm John Egbert and this is the story of me falling in love with my best bud Dave. I swear i'm not a homosexual, but I most defiantly am Pan. I live with my father, sister Jade, and my cousins Jake and Jane. My dad and Jane bake so often that I get sick at the smell of anything remotely related to Betty Crocker. I especially hate cakes. I almost forgot to mention that i'm deaf, my family has some gun enthusiasts, so one day Jake fired a gun really close to my ear, causing me to go deaf. The doctors say that it might be temporary but time will only tell. I don't like to speak much, I hate my voice I always have its too shrill and high pitched. I mostly just use sign language.

I'm hopeless, I love someone I haven't even met, and even when I do meet him I wont be able to hear him, kinda pathetic if I think about it enough. I don't even know if ill have the guts to speak to him, or ask if he knows how to sign.

I have to confess something before we continue with this introduction, my real name is Joan Egbert. I'm trans. It still hurts when I see my family call me Joan... my dad even went as far as almost disowning me when I came out, he is a very religious person. He didn't talk to me for two weeks after that. The only family that knows and accepts me is Jade, Jane and Jake. I can never tell Dave the truth, i'm sure he'll hate me just like the rest of my family does.

Anyways, now that that is out of the way, lets continue with my family and school life. I have a pretty big family. My dad, my cousins Jane,and Jake, and my Nana and Poppop. I don't really fit in at school, I get called "Nerd", "Homo", "Pussy" and so many more. I guess you can call it bullying, but that's way to childish for a Junior in High school. I like to phrase it as i'm being targeted by them. Plus the school has a tight system to keep bullying from happening so it must be different or it would have been stopped. Right?? Anyways I don't hold a grudge against Vriska, Gamzee or Equius, my oppressors, for i'm sure I deserve it.

It seems like my only friends are Dave, his twin Drik, Rose, her twin Roxy, Jade, Karkat and his best friend, Sollux. I know I don't need a lot of friends, but it would be nice to have a few more, maybe then I wouldn't feel so lonely. The only time that feeling goes away is when I talk to Dave.

Lets just say its going to be one hell of a ride. And just remember I am John Egbert, and I hate Fucking Cakes.

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