The Next Day

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Astrid strongly stirred her soup in a striped, stony crucible. She was making breakfast: lambspittle soup. Her kitchen was small—a cramped crucible crossing the corner—and she was getting a little claustrophobic, but maybe she was just worried. Astrid had no idea what Hiccup was up to. Usually Hik (as she called him) told her everything. Which had its disadvantages when he rambled on about a new dragon or fairy or troll he had found, but she listened to him nonetheless. They were engaged, after all. Of course, they were only fifteen, and her parents were not keen on them living together until they were sixteen, for whatever reason. That did not stop them from spending almost every living moment of their lives together, but today, Hik wasn't around.

"No, I haven't seen him this morning," Stoick had said when she asked him about where Hik was. She didn't have any idea. No one did. And no one's dragons were anywhere to be seen. 

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