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They stay silent

But they really want to scream.

Let out all of their emotions.

To feel something.

Something other than this pain,

This hurt,

Anything else!

No matter what it takes.

They are screaming for help,

You just can’t hear them.

They’re cries are silent,

But sound deafening to their ears.

Driven to extremes from

The words you speak,

Your words echo in their heads,

They are unforgettable.

Slowly they start to believe

That the things you call them everyday are true.

Stupid, fat, ugly, annoying, useless, loud!

The list goes on and on.

They are screaming for help,

You just can’t hear them.

Your words invade their thoughts,

They are scared, terrified! And they can’t do anthing.

Take a moment, stop and think

About what the words

You are about to say will do.

Think of how it will affect them.

Even in joking.

These harsh words will stay in their mind.

They will always wonder if there is truth

Behind your ‘joking’ words.

Did you know he goes home and cuts?

Anything to forget the pain,

The pain you make him feel.

Words like useless, stupid, freak repeating over and over.

Can you imagine her hunger?

As she starves herself.

Anything to fit what you think she needs to be.

Ugly, fat, whore, slut.

Do you hear her screams?

Of course not, it’s all in her head.

Anything to stop being called

Annoying, obnoxious, loud!

Do you know? Do you care?

Your words stay, day after day.

They are screaming for help,

You just can’t hear them.

Will you finally hear them,

When everything is silent?

When they are unable

To call out for help.

Every word you have

Ever called them

Burned into their mind forever,

And they will do anything to forget.

The scares,

The food,

The silence,

Your words are killing them.

Will you hear his cries

When he finally hits a vein?

Or will his voice just stop

All he wanted to hear is you’re worth it.

Will you hear her whimpers

When she’s too weak to walk

But still refuses to eat.

All she wanted to hear is you’re beautiful.

Will you hear her screams

When she’s hanging by a thread?

Her life is on the line

And all she wants to hear is you’re perfect.

They’re screaming for help,

You just can’t hear them.

And when your words drive them to breaking point,

Will you finally hear?

All your words

Drove them to this,

It hurts so bad they don’t want to feel anymore,

Look what you did!

Fat, annoying, ugly, useless,

Whore, loud, stupid,

Obnoxious, slut, freak.

When will the words stop?!

Beautiful, perfect, amazing.

Try to lift them up.

Because they are worth it!

They matter as much as you do.

Just one kind word,

A little smile,

An act of kindness

Could save their lives!

They are screaming for help,

And it’s time for you to hear!

Pick them back up,

Save them, before it’s too late.

PoetryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora