I piss off pornstache

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Nicky and I pass through the dinner line, trying not to gag because of the stench of the food. "Thank you." I say, practically holding my breath. "So, who'd you kill?" Nicky asks as we take a seat. "My rapist stepdad." I answer, hoping she doesn't ask for a backstory. Instead Nicky only chuckles and starts eating her food. "You know it ain't funny." I scold. "Guy was a real asshole." Before anybody could say anything in response, a male guard standing in the doorway speaks. "Inmate!" He barks, staring me straight in the face. I exchange an uneasy glance with Nicky and get up from my chair. "Yes?" I ask, once I make my way over to him, and almost laugh at his pathetic mustache. He snakes his head around my head "You're pretty." He says, his warm breath feeling nasty against my ear. "Get the fuck away from me, you perv." I scold. Before I can comprehend what's going on, I am on the floor, horrible pain washing over my whole body. The guards hand is pressed firmly against my back and his voice hisses in my ear. "Don't talk to your guards like that, young lady." His hand moves off of me and I see Nicky, my vision slightly blurring. "Shit, you alright?" She asks, helping me up. Nicky helps me walk back to our table and I rub my hand over my shoulder, a tugging pain has started in it. "What did you do to piss of pornstache?" She asks. "Told him to get the fuck away from me." I answer. "The pervent tried to seduce me or some shit." I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn to see a girl standing behind me. She has short black hair and almond shaped brown eyes. "Hey, you dropped this." She says, holding up my ID badge. A surge of electricity runs through my veins as my hand touches hers, and I grab my badge. "Thanks." Is all I manage to say. "Oh and I hope your ok, that guy can be a total dick." She adds, causing me to smile a bit. "What's your name?" I ask. She meets my eyes and the sparks form again in my chest. "Poussey." She replies. "It's French." I chuckle and hold out my hand. "I'm Mackenzie, it's Australian." She laughs and shakes my hand lightly. "I'll see ya around Mackenzie." She says. She leaves and I turn back to my table, Nicky's mouth hangs open. "You got a crush on the black girl, don't ya, Chase." I blush. "I may..."

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