Chappie 10

263 14 10

Juvia's POV

Rogue-sama run very fast....
Erza: Juvia!!! Do you know who sent this picture!??? *shows the picture*
Me: N-No w-why!??
Erza: you don't know!?? But why are you stuttering!???
Me: n-nothing.... *nervously*
Erza: really!??
Me: ofcourse Erza-san
Natsu:Luce!!!!!! Look at the picture that Emo jerk send me!!!!!
Lucy: let me see!!??
Natsu: here *show the picture*
Lucy: Erza-san Look!!!! Same number!!!!
Erza: let me see!!!
Lucy: here *shows the picture*
Erza: Natsu!!! Who is that Emo Jerk!!! I WILL LITERALLY KILL HIM!!!!! *angry*
Natsu/Gray/Gajeel: Rogue!!!
Erza: Rogue!!!!! I will kill him!!!!.

Oh... No..... I need to think fast!!!!! Okay I will try to act I hope it works

Me: no!!! Erza-san!!! Don't kill Rogue-sama please........
Erza: I will kill him and no one can stop me!!!!

Sorry baby but I will use you to save your daddy from aunt erza!!!!

Me: oh no!!! *sniff* h-how *sob* about our *sniff* precious *sob* b-baby *sniff* he/she will not have *sob* d-daddy when he/she grow...... *sniff* *crying*
Erza: oh... No.... Okay juvia I will not kill Rogue okay.... And I dont want to be the cause why your child dont have a father.... *sad*
Me: thanks Erza-san.... *smiles*

I can't believe that Erza-san fell at my act!!! I taught..... *smiles*

Erza's POV
. I don't want to kill the father of my best friend child you know so I will not kill him...
But how did he found us walking together hand in hand!???

Rogues POV

Phewww... I just made it in our guild I go to see our master..
I saw yukino and sting kissing so I interrupt them

Me: Ahemmmm... Yukino where is master!??
Yukino: at his office(kiss sting again)

(opens the door of the masters office)

Master: what is it!??
Me: master ti tell you the truth I already mated someone
Master: thats good
Me: really
Master: yeahh so who is the girl!??
Me: uhmmmm she is J-J-Juvia Lockser ftom Fairy Tail
Master: what!??
Me: yeahhh I'm so sorry master
Master: you need to come here tomorrow together got it!??
Me: why master !??
Master: you will be continuing go to this guild got it!??
Me: what if we don't like to be here!??
Master: then leave!!!! And don't ever come back here ever!!!
Me: yes master I will do that!!

(come out the masters office) *slams the door loudly*

I rub my guild mark so it will dissappear
After that I go to our house to cook something delicious....

Juvia's POV
I go to our house smells something delicious
My cravings began to start again.....

My mateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon