Chapter 2: Iris's song

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"Where am I?" Iris mumbled.

"In our secret hideout!" Mephisto shouts.

"No one will find you here." Praxina says. "And don't think your voice will save you this time!"

"My friends will find me!" Iris scream.

"I wouldn't count on it." Praxina laughs. "Aguathigay!"

Suddenly Iris is singing voice gets pulled of her neck and into a locket of Praxina's.

"Nothing's getting out of my locket. I keep a very close eye on it. So don't get your hopes up! Now Mephisto, we throw the other two princesses off Iris's track."

"Iris!" Talia shouts. "Iris!"
"Iris! Iris! Iris!" Auriana screams at the top of her lungs.

"Is that really necessary Auriana. The whole town can hear you." Talia says.

"Iris! She has to be out there somewhere." Auriana ignores Talia.

"We must hurry. She could be in danger."


Mephisto and Praxina leave Iris tied up. Iris try's to sing, but nothing comes out.

"My voice." Iris says. "It's gone. But there must be a way to get it back."

"A song." She thinks. "My song."

"Oh when I start the day. I'm checking on my friends. They can count on me. And when I'm feeling down they'll help me around. I count on them. Their my BFF's. They'll stand by my side. When it gets tough. On when I'm feeling down they'll help me around. I count on them! Oh yeah!" Iris says. "I need a more personally song."
Iris thinks.

"Dear lover, I'm your secret admirer. I hide from you because I'm scared. Nothing can stop me because today is the day when I tell you. How I feel. Oh dear Nathaniel. I hide from you because I'm scared. I don't know if you have, feelings for me. So I run to my place. And I practice what I'll say, to you. One day." Iris's voice returns to her. "My powers are so much stronger now!"

Iris uses magic to remove the ropes from her hands. In the rafters above Praxina watches Iris with her brother.

"I told you she's powerful Mephisto!" Praxina tells her brother. "Now we must remove her voice, for good."

Iris walks to the door and is about to open it when Praxina appears in front of her

"Going somewhere princess?" Praxina asks.
Iris turns around to see Mephisto. She's trapped.

"Iris princess of Ephedia!" Iris shouts.

"Not so fast!" Mephisto traps her in green crystal.

"Now let's remove her horrible voice." Praxina smiles.

"Didn't we already do that?" Mephisto asks.

"She got it back idiot! And we now know what she loves most." Praxina giggles.


"Nathaniel! You idiot! The boy from the smoothie place!"


"Yes. And if Iris refuses to cooperate..."

"I see where this is going."

"We kidnap Nathaniel!"

"Brilliant sister!"

"Now. Go find Nathaniel and bring him back here. I'm going to go throw the other princesses of track. But before I do..."
Praxina unfreezes Iris. She then places a black necklace around the sleeping Iris's neck and takes off her old pink one.

"Try to sing now!" Praxina laughs as she leaves.

Once again Iris wakes up, alone. She looks down at her neck.

"Uh!" Iris shouts. "They toke my necklace!"

Okay I ship Iris and Nathaniel. I wrote the song that Iris sings about Nathaniel and I changed the lyrics on BFF just so everyone knows.

I'm thinking about publishing a Lolirock FanFiction called, Sing for me. Here is the description.
When Loilrock gets cursed by Gramorr, they can't control their voices. The girls discover that they have amazing power in their voices that is dangerous. The girls go into hiding and discover the only way to undo their curse is to get rid of their voices. Looks like Lolirock has a difficult choice to make.

Do you think I should write it. Please comment if you think so. And if I get one I'll write it. And if anyone has any questions feel free to comment. Thanks.

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