Chapter 4: ...for better or for worse

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"Iris!" Auriana shouts.

"It's useless." Talia mumbles.

Amaru nudges her ankles.

"I know I shouldn't give up hope, but I just feel like I let... everyone down. It was my job to protect her... and help her find her home. Now we don't even have her. I never thought that never knowing her could be worse then losing her." Tears start to form in Talia's eyes.

Auriana stares sadly at the ground. "She's not gone. Just missing. We can find her. If we believe. But we have to stay strong. Where's the Talia that I know. Who's never afraid! Who stands up! And never, ever, never gives up!"

Talia looks up. She rubs the tears from her eyes. "She's coming back."

"Yay! Now let's go find Iris! Wait, how are we going to find Iris?"

"Crystal Locatom! Wait but it won't work."


"We need all three of us. We just have to find another way."

Suddenly a pink sparkle on the ground catches Talia's eye.

"Iris! She was here!"


"Ha ha! You missed!" Mephisto easily dodged a purple sparkle attack, but Iris had set him up in the spot she needed to hit him.

"Crystal Orabenbci!" Iris sent her attack right at Mephisto.

Mephisto went flying and landed with a thump! "Ow!" He mumbled.

"Well done my new bestest bestie!" Praxina congratulated Iris.

"It's what I do. But it's not enough." Iris replied. "We need something more. Something they'll never see coming." Iris then smiled. "I have it."


Talia and Auriana were sitting in the Smoothie place where Nathaniel worked.

"I'm worried about Iris. We should go now!" Talia stood up.

"We'll go check out that old warehouse that Iris's trail lead to later." Auriana then stood up. "Hey! I want my other smoothie now!"

"Where's Nathaniel? He's always here." Talia wondered.

"I don't know but he better come back because I want my smoothie." Auriana slouched down in her seat.


Iris was practicing her strongest attack. "Crystal Lopendium!" She weakly shouted out. Iris put her hands out and aimed. It missed dramatically. "Uhhh!" Iris flopped down on the floor. She tried to catch her breath.

"Why are you so worried. Your plan is full proof." Praxina appeared.

"Yeah Iris. Your plan... genius!" Mephisto said.

"Thanks..." Iris mumbled, still panting. "I'm just... worried that... they'll figure it... out and... I'll have to face them on... my own."

"Don't worry about that me and Mephisto will have your back. Isn't that what best friends are for."

"I guess so."

"Wait someone's here!" Mephisto turned around.

"Talia. What are we going to do?" Auriana asks from outside.

"Auriana stop asking questions. Mephisto and Praxina could be inside." Talia warns.

"Oh sorry!"

"Shhhhhh!" Talia glares at Auriana.

"It's the princesses!" Mephisto shouts.

"Did you hear that?" Auriana asks Talia.

"Come on Auriana. Hurry up." Talia creaks open the door.

"Be quiet you two." Iris says as she flys to the rafters.

"Why? Aren't we going to fight them?" Mephisto asks.

Praxina kicks him. "She's smarter then you. Do what she says."

The twins join Iris and watch.

Talia and Auriana step inside. The floor creaks under their weight.

"No ones here." Auriana mumbles.

"Be quiet Auriana." Talia glares at her.

Talia heads over the the far right of the warehouse, while Auriana go's over to the left.

"Hey. There's some cool lockers over here." Auriana opens a locker and gasps.

"What is it Auriana?" Talia asks as she walks over.

"It's Nathaniel!"

"What's he doing here?"

"More importantly how do we unfreeze him?" Auriana asks.

Talia performs a spell. At the end of it the crystal around Nathaniel disappears.

"Nathaniel are you okay?" Talia asks.

"Iris was here! She has powers! She was kidnapped! Evil twins!" Nathaniel shouts. "What's going on?"

"Who trapped you in that? It's purple crystal." Auriana asks.

"I don't recognize it either. It couldn't have been the twins." Talia adds.

Nathaniel nods. "It wasn't the twins. It was Iris."

"Iris!" Auriana and Talia gasp.

Iris smiles wickedly as she sees their faces.

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